EU-funded researchers are improving the tracking and certification of biological waste to help give it a second life as new bio-based products, writes Gareth Willmer.
They combined a blend of slimy and sticky proteins to produce a fast-acting, bacteria-blocking, waterproof adhesive for use in biomedical applications.
Fusion’s future depends on decoding plasma’s mysteries. Simulations can help keep research on track and reveal more efficient ways to generate fusion energy.
A new study identifies steps that can lower not only emissions, but also costs, across the combined electric power and natural gas industries that now supply heating fuels.
Researchers are creating advanced simulations that will provide a deeper understanding of Mars’s climatic history and help to determine whether it was once able to sustain life, writes Jonathan O'Callaghan.
Researchers develop a scalable, low-cost device that can generate high-power terahertz waves on a chip, without bulky silicon lenses.