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Climate Action Plan 2024 – the Future of Transport in Ireland

The Role of Local Authorities in Addressing Climate Action and Biodiversity

Renewable Gas & Huntstown Biogas Facility

Heating fuels supply twice the energy demand of electricity in Ireland, providing a significant opportunity for decarbonisation in the heating sector, writes John O'Shea.

As Ireland’s economy recovers, the country’s energy demands continue to grow and, as a result, Ireland faces the challenge of meeting this increasing demand while simultaneously reducing its carbon emissions.

Decarbonisation of electricity sector

The decarbonisation of the electricity sector is often discussed, but what tends to be overlooked is that heating fuels supply twice the energy demand of electricity in Ireland, providing a significant opportunity for decarbonisation in the heating sector.

In Ireland, heating has traditionally been the most difficult sector to decarbonise. It is currently the worst performing sector in relation to our 2020 renewable energy targets. It is behind electricity and transport, with renewables supplying a mere 6.5% of heat demand.

One technology that can play a key role in moving Ireland towards low-carbon heating and reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels is district heating (DH). A 2019 study by the Heat Roadmaps research partnership estimated that almost 60% of Ireland’s heat demand could be met by DH systems.

District heating involves a network of super-insulated pipes that deliver heat from a centralised energy source and provide space heating and hot water to multiple buildings connected to the network. DH is, in itself, often referred to as being technology agnostic.

It has the inherent flexibility to utilise multiple, diverse, locally available and low-carbon heat sources. Typically, in electrical power plants, between 50% and 70% of the energy output is heat.

Heat local homes and businesses through DH network

In Ireland, this heat is currently dumped into rivers or vented into the atmosphere, but it could easily be utilised to heat local homes and businesses through a DH network.

Lower temperature heat sources, such as the heat from river water, geothermal heat and heat expelled from data centres or other cooling systems, can also be used to feed district heating networks.

These more advanced, lower temperature networks are commonly referred to as fourth generation district heating networks (4DHC) and often utilise heat pumps to raise the temperature to a usable level.

Codema is the lead partner in an EU Interreg project called HeatNet NWE, which promotes the development of 4DHC across six countries in northwest Europe (NWE).

District heating can provide numerous environmental, economic and social benefits. It can contribute significantly to EU and national energy targets, through a reduction in carbon emissions and a greater uptake in renewable energy. It can also improve building energy ratings and lower energy and maintenance bills.

It creates local jobs, provides greater security of supply and a better level of indoor comfort, while helping reduce fuel poverty for tenants. Further benefits can be found in the HeatNet NWE Guide for Public Sector Organisations brochure.

Electric heat pumps

Heat networks that utilise electric heat pumps can be used to balance the electrical grid. These act as large thermal batteries, which reduce the curtailment of intermittent renewables, such as wind, during low demand periods (e.g. night-time).

This is done at a fraction of the cost of electrical battery storage. The flexibility to use multiple sources also improves reliability and continuity of service, as the system is not dependent on any one source.

The network allows for easy integration of future heating technologies at a much faster rate than would be possible with individual building-level installations, while minimising disruption to customers.

District heating has a proven track record as a cost-effective technology in other countries such as Denmark and Sweden. In cities like Copenhagen, 98% of buildings are connected to DH networks.

Here in Ireland, DH represents less than 1% of the total heat market. Establishing DH in a new market such as Ireland has its own challenges; one of the main barriers is the lack of knowledge and awareness of DH.

This is the case across all sectors; from DH’s absence from national energy models in academia, to lack of experience in DH for semi-state utility companies, to the awareness for customers.

Local authorities' low level of autonomy

There are currently very few local authority-led utilities in Ireland, and local authorities have a low level of autonomy compared with those in other European countries. This leads to difficulties in developing policy and regulations for a local issue like heating.

Some unintended barriers have arisen from policy being developed without DH in mind. There are currently no incentives or grants for customers to connect to district heating systems, unlike those given for heat pumps and other technologies.

At the moment, we do not have a national-level heat plan similar to what exists for electricity and transport. However, Codema is working with national-level stakeholders to overcome some of these issues.

A DH policy framework is now being developed as part of the 2019 All of Government Climate Action Plan, and the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly is empowering councils to carry out feasibility assessments for DH.

Heating is a challenge that cannot be solved only by a top-down approach. Public sector organisations can play a leading role in the development of DH by supporting, implementing and connecting to district heating networks in their region.

As one of the leading local authorities in this area, South Dublin County Council (SDCC) has implemented planning policies which promote the use of waste industrial heat, local energy partnerships and prioritise the development of low-carbon district heating in the county.

A Transition Roadmap has also been developed to provide a step-by-step guide to further develop the county’s DH potential into the future. SDCC is also responsible for developing the first not-for-profit, publicly led utility in the country – the South Dublin District Heating company.

This innovative scheme, supported under the HeatNet NWE project, utilises waste heat from a local data centre to provide low-carbon, low-cost hot water and space heating to buildings in the Tallaght area.

So how can local authorities get started on their journey towards adopting low-carbon DH networks? A good place to start is the South Dublin Transition Roadmap, which draws on the experience gained by SDCC and Codema in bringing the Tallaght District Heating Scheme project from initial concept through to final development.

The roadmap suggests actions to be taken in the short, medium and long term to catalyse and promote the development of DH networks in the county.

It discusses the development of heat demand and heat source maps and also provides high-level guidance in areas such as policy options for local authorities, identifying suitable locations for starting a DH scheme, identifying and engaging effectively with stakeholders, techno-economic analysis, and choosing the right business model and procurement method.

This roadmap is further supplemented with guides developed as part of the HeatNet NWE project on areas such as retrofitting existing buildings for 4DHC and procurement.

As part of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment’s Climate Action Fund (CAF), two DH projects were selected for funding in 2019 - the Tallaght District Heating Scheme and the Dublin District Heating Scheme (DDHS).

Recycles waste heat from data centre

The TDHS, as discussed above, recycles waste heat from a data centre through a large-scale heat pump to supply heat to public sector buildings, a college campus and new residential and commercial developments.

This scheme is due to begin construction in the coming weeks, with heat being supplied in early 2021. The Dublin City DH Scheme will utilise waste heat from a waste-to-energy plant in the docklands area of the city, which has up to 90 MW of heat capacity, to feed new and existing developments nearby. This project is currently progressing through its procurement phase.

For those interested in exploring the latest opportunities for developing DH in Ireland, including existing and planned schemes, national policy and finance, and experience from international markets, Ireland’s second national conference on district energy will be held in the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin on Thursday 30th April 2020. Please register here.

Author: John O’ Shea is energy systems analyst with Codema – Dublin’s Energy Agency. He has worked in the district heating and cooling sector since 2013, and has been involved in many heat planning, feasibility and design projects across Ireland, Europe and the Middle East. He has also acted as a technical and policy adviser and is the lead author of the South Dublin Transition Roadmap.

How district heating could play a key part in decarbonisation

The government’s Climate Action Plan envisages a large role for electric transport, and John Hayes — a senior lecturer at University College Cork and an expert in the area — guides us through its origins and whether the technology can replace our petrol engines.

The dark side of energy addiction

Electric cars once played a substantial role in transporting the public, with about as many electric cars as petrol cars being sold in the United States in 1900.

The petrol car of the time was seen as dirty, dangerous, and unreliable, while the electric car was perceived as quiet and safe, albeit with limited range.

This was all to change with the low-cost production of the petrol Model T by Henry Ford in 1907, and later with the replacement of the manual engine crank by the electric starter in 1912. Diesel engines featured in the 1920s and grew in popularity for heavy vehicles, and much later for cars in Europe.

Thus, over a number of decades, the world of transportation had changed completely – long distance, reliable, low-cost driving was available to the masses.

At the same time, the world was electrifying, with the ac grids, created by Nicola Tesla, rapidly expanding around the world.

Access to incredible amounts of energy and the energy-consuming technologies to propel, warm, cook, clean, communicate and entertain, fundamentally changed the way that many humans lived around the planet. Economies could grow and humanity could propagate like never before.

All this access to energy also came with a dark side in the forms of energy addiction, wars, pollution and environmental damage. Pollution bedevilled our cities. Carbon emissions and, even worse, methane emissions expanded globally and contributed to global warming.

The renaissance takes many forms: battery, hybrid and fuel cell

A lot has changed in the last 40 years and will continue to change.

I was part of the engineering team in Los Angeles that brought the General Motors EV1 to market in 1996. This was to be the first production electric car of the modern era, and it pioneered a path for others to follow.

Prior to this, Professor John Goodenough had invented the lithium-ion battery in 1979. These batteries initially powered laptop computers but, with time, have powered the massive global expansion of mobile phones and smart devices, fundamentally changing how we communicate, learn and entertain.

John Hayes with Professor John Goodenough, who invented the lithium-ion battery in 1979.

The lithium-ion battery was very successfully adopted for cars in the 2000s in an effort led by the transformative and extraordinary Elon Musk of Tesla Motors.

In October 2019, Professor John Goodenough was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino, for the invention of the Li-ion battery.

The continuing electrification of the vehicle is inevitable due to the high efficiency, the reduced emissions, and the use of clean energy.

The electric car can take several forms so that we are not overly dependent on any one technology. There are four different types of electric vehicles: battery, such as the Nissan Leaf; hybrid, such as the Toyota Prius; plug-in hybrid, such as the Mitsubishi Outlander; and fuel cell, such as the Toyota Mirai.

All of these vehicle types feature batteries and electric motors, which can independently propel the vehicle using electricity. A fifth type of vehicle is the mild hybrid, which uses conventional petrol or diesel engines for propulsion, but increases the use of electrics to decrease fuel consumption and emissions.

All of these technologies, except for the fuel cell vehicle, are available today in Ireland.

Hybrid and hydrogen vehicles are options for today and tomorrow

Petrol and diesel hybrid vehicles consume fossil fuels but use electric technology to require less fuel to propel the vehicle, than would a conventional petrol or diesel vehicle.

While hybrid vehicles emit more carbon dioxide while driving than the equivalent battery vehicle emits due to the generation of electricity, battery vehicles result in greater emissions during manufacturing.

Thus, given the Irish grid today and international vehicle manufacturing, hybrid and battery vehicles have similar carbon footprints, and both are lower than the equivalent diesel or petrol vehicle.

This situation will change with time. Wind energy has been the success story in Ireland over the past two decades, with renewables now providing more than 30 per cent of our electricity.

The future of energy generation in Ireland will be even greener. Electrical connections to the UK and France will provide access to the excess renewable and nuclear energies elsewhere.

The fuel cell vehicle is powered by hydrogen, a fuel which can store great amounts of energy on board and allow for rapid refuelling. The hydrogen can be produced using fossil fuels, but more importantly, it can also be produced by renewable electrical power.

Fuel cell vehicles have the lightweight energy storage required for heavy vehicles. Unlike the battery vehicles, which can be fuelled with a home charger, fuel cell vehicles require an infrastructure similar to the petrol station of today.

China, a heavyweight today in battery electric vehicles, is now also heavily investing in fuel cell vehicles in order to have clean long-distance transport.

Electric car will be evolutionary, and not revolutionary

It is also important to ask what can go wrong with this vision. The diesel emissions scandal has been a hard lesson in shaping the public’s purchases.

From 2008, diesel engines were incentivised in order to reduce carbon emissions, while the harmful toxic emissions of these engines in urban environments were obviously not a major consideration... until the exposure in 2015 of the wide-spread cheating by Volkswagen.

This second coming of the electric car will be evolutionary, and not revolutionary. The capital costs will be enormous as the electric grid is transformed and the fleet of vehicles is turned over.

Norway is often discussed as a model country for electric vehicle sales, largely due to its subsidies and incentives.

Norway sits on significant fossil fuel reserves and a sovereign wealth fund of more than $1 trillion. A total of 98 per cent of Norway’s electricity is already green and bountiful, based on a massive dam network, with Norwegians consuming several times the electricity of the Irish.

Ireland, on the other hand, gets 30 per cent of its electricity from renewables, will see the Corrib gas field go dry in several years, and has a government debt of €200 billion. It would be great to have Norway’s resources!

The battery is the strength of electric vehicles, but also the weakness. The technology has developed amazingly, with 60 kWh of battery storage available on the latest models with more than 400km of range.

However, sourcing of critical materials, such as lithium and cobalt, together with the energy and carbon intensities of production, raise questions as to the sustainability of the batteries themselves.

Advances in the technology appear marginal when considered from a high-tech perspective, but are actually impressive when considered from a power or energy perspective.

Improvements will continue in reducing size and cost, and significant gains can be made in terms of reducing the carbon footprint and improving battery recyclability and reuse.

We will learn over the next decade of the 2020s which of the solutions are viable and sustainable as economies of scale and supply chains develop. Car sharing and autonomous vehicles will also feature.

All going well, as the current young generation of teenagers enter the 2030s, they will have environmentally friendly, sustainable transportation options which their parents never dreamt of.

Author: John Hayes is a senior lecturer at University College Cork and previously worked in the automotive industry. He is the lead author on 'Electric Powertrain: Energy Systems, Power Electronics and Drives for Hybrid, Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles' by Hayes and Goodarzi, and published by John Wiley & Sons in January 2018.

The second coming of the electric car

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin have taken a giant stride towards solving a riddle that would provide the world with entirely renewable, clean energy from which water would be the only waste product.

Reducing humanity’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is arguably the greatest challenge facing 21st century civilisation – especially given the ever-increasing global population and the heightened energy demands that come with it.

Use renewable electricity to split water

One beacon of hope is the idea that we could use renewable electricity to split water (H2O) to produce energy-rich hydrogen (H2), which could then be stored and used in fuel cells.

This is an especially interesting prospect in a situation where wind and solar energy sources produce electricity to split water, as this would allow us to store energy for use when those renewable sources are not available.

The essential problem, however, is that water is very stable and requires a great deal of energy to break up. A particularly major hurdle to clear is the energy or 'overpotential' associated with the production of oxygen, which is the bottleneck reaction in splitting water to produce H2.

Although certain elements are effective at splitting water, such as Ruthenium or Iridium (two of the so-called noble metals of the periodic table), these are prohibitively expensive for commercialisation.

Other, cheaper options tend to suffer in terms of their efficiency and/or their robustness. In fact, at present, nobody has discovered catalysts that are cost-effective, highly active and robust for significant periods of time.

So, how do you solve such a riddle? Stop before you imagine lab coats, glasses, beakers and funny smells; this work was done entirely through a computer.

Bringing together chemists and theoretical physicists

By bringing together chemists and theoretical physicists, the Trinity team behind the latest breakthrough combined chemistry smarts with very powerful computers to find one of the “holy grails” of catalysis.

The team, led by Professor Max García-Melchor, made a crucial discovery when investigating molecules which produce oxygen: science had been underestimating the activity of some of the more reactive catalysts and, as a result, the dreaded 'overpotential' hurdle now seems easier to clear.

Furthermore, in refining a long-accepted theoretical model used to predict the efficiency of water splitting catalysts, they have made it immeasurably easier for people (or super-computers) to search for the elusive 'green bullet' catalyst.

Lead author, Michael Craig, TCD, is excited to put this insight to use: "We know what we need to optimise now, so it is just a case of finding the right combinations."

The team aims to now use artificial intelligence to put a large number of earth-abundant metals and ligands (which glue them together to generate the catalysts) in a melting pot before assessing which of the near-infinite combinations yield the greatest promise.

Design of ideal catalysts

In combination, what once looked like an empty canvas now looks more like a paint-by-numbers as the team has established fundamental principles for the design of ideal catalysts.

Professor Max García-Melchor said: "Given the increasingly pressing need to find green energy solutions it is no surprise that scientists have, for some time, been hunting for a magical catalyst that would allow us to split water electrochemically in a cost-effective, reliable way.

"However, it is no exaggeration to say that before now such a hunt was akin to looking for a needle in a haystack.We are not over the finishing line yet, but we have significantly reduced the size of the haystack and we are convinced that artificial intelligence will help us hoover up plenty of the remaining hay.

"This research is hugely exciting for a number of reasons and it would be incredible to play a role in making the world a more sustainable place. Additionally, this shows what can happen when researchers from different disciplines come together to apply their expertise to try to solve a problem that affects each and every one of us."

Prof García-Melchor is an Ussher Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Trinity and senior author on the landmark research that has just been published in a leading international journal, 'Nature Communications'.

Collaborating authors include Gabriel Coulter, formerly of Trinity and now studying for a MSc at the University of Cambridge; Eoin Dolan formerly of Trinity and now completing an Erasmus Mundus joint MSc degree in Paris; Dr Joaquín Soriano-Lòpez, MSCA-Edge fellow in Trinity’s School of Chemistry; Eric Mates, PhD candidate in Trinity’s School of Chemistry and Professor Wolfgang Schmitt from Trinity’s School of Chemistry.

The research has been supported by Science Foundation Ireland and the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), where the team is benefiting from 4,500,000 CPU hours at Ireland’s state-of-the-art super-computer facility.

Trinity researchers take giant stride towards entirely renewable energy

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