Water / Wastewater / Drainage Training Courses

Please contact the Team for further information on scheduled course dates and In-Company options. You can reach us by phone: 01 665 1305 or email cpdtraining@engineersireland.ie

Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Boiler Water Testing
This course will provide a comprehensive review of the principles of boiler water conditioning. The training is designed to give delegates a firm background in the objectives and control of water treatment of cooling systems and steam boilers.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Water and Wastewater Chemical and Biological Analysis
This course will provide an understanding of the common sources of water and wastewater and how water is used in different ways in commercial, industrial and process environments. Candidates will learn the basic chemistry of water and wastewater, common contaminants and the problems that can result from using water and wastewater containing these contaminants.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Masterclass: SuDS - Hydraulic Assessment and Evaluation
This course aims to provide delegates with a comprehensive insight into the key aspects of hydraulic analysis approaches that need to be considered as part of SuDS design (or 3rd party evaluation of the design) using practical worked examples.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Integrated Catchment Management - Mapping River Corridors
This course discusses a methodology for identifying functional riparian zones in floodplain boundaries, discussing its benefits and establishing preferred assessment methodologies for sustainable zoning policies.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Masterclass: Rainwater Management Planning
This course follows on the recently published 'National Strategy for the ‘Nature Based Management of Urban Rainwater and Urban Surface Water Discharges’ and supporting ‘Rainwater Management Plans - Guidance for Local Authorities’. The course is developed and delivered by the author of the Guidance.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Fundamentals of Coastal Processes and Risk Management
The purpose of this course is to introduce the concepts of coastal processes controlling landform evolution and coastal risk management. Delegates will learn about the physical processes that control how coastal landforms evolve over short- (storm events) and long- (decades to centuries) time periods and how coastal change models can inform planning decisions.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Hydrology in Flood Risk Management
This course focuses on the core principles and methods for defining floods, in terms of magnitude and their frequency/probability of occurrence, with a view to generating hydrological inputs for hydraulic modelling.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Hydraulics in Flood Risk Management
This course aims to provide an understanding of the hydraulic mechanisms and analysis methods used in hydraulic modelling and flood mapping for flood risk management. It also covers the principles of culvert design, drainage design and SUDS and provides an overview of flood risk assessment in Ireland.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Modelling Urban Drainage Risk
This course aims to provide candidates with an overview of the risk-based assessment of urban drainage (sewerage) networks, looking at understanding the prioritisation of investment in modelling programmes and then how to assess and prioritise risk at catchment level.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment For Engineers
This course will provide attendees with an understanding of the different stages of wastewater treatment and the byproducts (sludge) that result.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Microscopic Examination of Activated Sludge
The course will equip plant operators, technicians and others to monitor, regulate, and troubleshoot the treatment processes and also serves as a valuable resource for research professionals and sanitary engineers in wastewater treatment.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Fundamentals of Flood Risk Management
The course aims to provide an overview of the analysis and methods used in flood risk management, from feasibility study to construction stage.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Water Loss and Leakage Management - Level One
This course will provide an introduction to leakage detection, control and management and the relevant technologies used to assist in the process. Trunk main and distribution leakage detection techniques where there is limited metering will also be covered in this course as well as an introduction to asset planning and District Meter Areas (DMA) design.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Water Loss and Leakage Management - Level Two
This course will focus on the advanced leakage detection processes and the latest technology available in leakage location. The course will also cover District Meter Areas (DMA) management and how to prioritise which DMA’s to work in based on various KPIS.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Water Loss and Leakage Management - Level Three
This course will focus on building a water balance a water balance using data collected by the participants prior to the course. Also, there will be a deep dive into the constituent components of the Non-Revenue Water, namely Authorised Unbilled Consumption, Apparent Losses and Real Losses.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Masterclass: Evaluating SuDS Submissions to Meet Irish Planning Requirements
This course will identify common policy driver requirements us on the core aspects of SuDS evaluation. Fundamental checks will be identified along with the package of information which would be anticipated for evaluation. The four pillars of SuDS will be considered and how these interlink in terms of delivery of SuDS which deliver against the 4 pillars of SuDS.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Fundamentals in Flood Risk Assessment
This one-day course provides an overview of the fundamentals of Flood Risk Assessments in Ireland. A flood risk assessment is the identification, quantification and communication of flood risk.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Odour Management for Licensed Sites
This course will provide attendees with a thorough understanding of how odours are assessed, managed and regulated. Odours discharged from a large variety of sources in the agricultural, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors may cause adverse effects for people who are in the neighbourhood of these sources.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Water Treatment Processes Training
This training program covers the fundamental aspects of the processes involved in water treatment. It is critical that those involved in the production of drinking water are equipped with the necessary knowledge to perform their duties effectively.