Half-day course
CPD Credit: 3.5 hours; Competence/s: 1
Course Delivery Options
Course Overview
The purpose of the course is to give an insight into the requirements of the BC(A)R system of proving building regulations compliance and the roles of the various project parties in providing the evidence of compliance, including statutory obligations, online management of documentation, drawings and certification, work inspections and the ethos of promoting transparency, interactive design discipline and responsibility for works and inspections.
Delegates will take away:
- An enhanced awareness of the ambitions of the BC(A)R initiative
- A knowledge of the obligations and responsibilities of the various named project partners – the Building Owner, the Assigned Certifier, the Design Certifier
- The expectations of certification by builders, subcontractors, sub-subcontractors, and designers
- A working insight to the operation of the Building Control Management System (BCMS) and the documents that are required to generate a Commencement Notice and a Certificate of Compliance on Completion and the timeframes by which these documents are required relative to the start of construction and the availability of the building on completion, respectively.
- Developing an INF and converting it into a preliminary Inspection Plan (PIP) when the project goes to construction.
- Managing and co-ordinating an Inspection regime during the construction stage and converting the PIP into an “Inspection Plan as implemented” as part of the Certificate of Compliance on Completion process.
- A knowledge of the Ancillary Certificates required by the BC(A)R process.
Who Should Attend?
Chartered Engineers who are likely to fill the role of Design or Assigned Certifier, Engineers who are likely to be Ancillary Certifiers, Builders’ personnel who are likely to be working with the BC(A)R legislation and documentation.
Trainer Profiles
Brian Kavanagh of Garland and Cormac Bradley of RPS are Chartered Engineers who have both undertaken the role of Assigned Certifier on a number of recent projects in the medical, pharmaceutical and transport sectors on very large and modest-sized projects.

Cormac Bradley also represented Engineers Ireland, with others, in the consultation process that generated SI No. 9 of 2014 and the subsequent SI No.365 of 2015. He also represented Engineers Ireland on the working group that developed the suite of Ancillary Certificates.

Brian Kavanagh served on the executive of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland during the negotiations between the professional bodies and Department of Environment for the new Building Control (Amendment) Regulations. He is now the Convenor of the ACEI Building Control Committee. As such he is uniquely positioned to act as Assigned Certifier. Since their implementation in March 2014, he has acted as Assigned Certifier on a wide range of projects, from domestic, right through to multi-tenanted commercial buildings.
"Very well delivered and engaging"
"Good course, good at covering real life problems"
Mark Ahern, Holden Installations Limited: "Good general course on BCAR"
Niamh O'Sullivan, Room Renovator: "Good overview of the regulations and lots of knowledge on the practical aspects"
Please contact the CPD Training Team for further information on scheduled course dates and In-Company options.