BT Young Scientist Co-Founder Dr Tony Scott, Enterprise Ireland CEO Leo Clancy and Provost of Trinity College Dublin Professor Linda Doyle have been recognised with honorary titles for their contribution to the engineering profession at Engineers Ireland’s National Conferring Ceremony 2022.

Yesterday evening at a special event in the Mansion House, Dublin, where over 250 members of the profession gathered for an evening of celebration, Dr Scott was presented with the title of Honorary Fellow of Engineers Ireland. Honorary Fellowship is the highest honour, other than the Presidency, that Engineers Ireland can bestow. It is conferred on those distinguished by the importance of their work in engineering, science or other vocations. President of Engineers Ireland, Professor Orla Feely, also had the privilege of issuing a Presidential Invitation to become a Fellow of Engineers Ireland to Leo Clancy and Professor Linda Doyle. Engineers Ireland Fellows hold the most prestigious and senior professional title within the engineering profession. 

Commenting at the event, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD, noted the accolades marked their distinguished work in engineering and science over many years and commented: “I applaud Engineers Ireland for recognising the remarkable contributions made by Professor Linda Doyle, Dr Tony Scott, and Leo Clancy and their great work driving innovation and ingenuity across the island of Ireland.  Engineers are at the very heart of Impact 2030, our new research and innovation framework launched last week, and I pay tribute to a profession that is fundamental to the delivery of the solutions that will address the grand challenges of our society and drive Ireland’s sustainable economic performance into the future.”

Reflecting on his Honorary Fellowship of Engineers Ireland, Dr Tony Scott, Co-Founder of the Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition, first held in 1965, said: “My lifelong interest in science and engineering has inspired me to want to showcase what can be achieved in these disciplines. To have been a part of an initiative that has grown from 230 participants and 5,000 visitors 57 years ago to a nationally recognised event that attracts in excess of 2,000 project applications and over 55,000 visitors every year gives me enormous pride. The essence of the Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition is the spirit and ingenuity demonstrated by the students who participate. The Exhibition continues to help cultivate and nurture our young innovative talent of the future, and I thank Engineers Ireland, who also carry out great work in this area, for this prestigious recognition."

Leo Clancy, CEO of Enterprise Ireland, commented: “I am deeply honoured to become a Fellow of Engineers Ireland. Throughout my career I have drawn on my technical skillset to create opportunities for myself and others to drive innovation and creativity.  Indeed, strong technological skills and talent are increasingly vital to indigenous SMEs and help Irish companies to start, grow, innovate, and win export sales in global markets as part of the wider business ecosystem.  I applaud Engineers Ireland for its ongoing work to promote the next generation of engineers, technologists, and innovators as part of driving sustainable economic development in Ireland.

Professor Linda Doyle, Provost of Trinity College Dublin, added: “I am very grateful to receive this honour. Being an engineer is a big part of my identity and I draw on my engineering background every day in my role as Provost. I want to commend Professor Orla Feely and Engineers Ireland’s Director General Caroline Spillane for their unstinting work to inspire more women to explore the world of engineering. This is really vital work. So, thank you to Engineers Ireland for this accolade and congratulations to all of those who have received their Registered Professional Titles today.”

Engineers Ireland also conferred other engineering professionals from around the country with the Registered Professional Titles of Engineering Technician, Associate Engineer, Chartered Engineer or Fellow. The Registered Professional Title of Chartered Engineer is a peer-reviewed and internationally recognised formal recognition of a member’s professional competence and is an accolade associated with the very best of the engineering profession.  The conferral event also featured a panel discussion involving Professor Orla Feely, Dr Tony Scott, Leo Clancy and Dr Cristina Paduano on the topic of engineering in a time of change.

Offering her congratulations to all those conferred, Professor Orla Feely, President of Engineers Ireland, said: “I would like to offer my congratulations to each of our conferees who achieved Registered Professional Titles this evening. During the course of the last year, over 300 members achieved a Registered Professional Title with Engineers Ireland. Attaining a Registered Professional Title is a milestone in an engineer’s professional development, and I hope that this year’s conferees will become an inspiration for others and help to mentor those in our engineering community who wish to attain a professional title in the future.”

A recent Engineers Ireland report, ‘Engineering 2022: A barometer of the profession in Ireland’, showed that confidence in the engineering sector is continuing to grow with over 81% of professionals in the area saying their organisation plans to recruit engineers in 2022.

For further information on Registered Professional Titles please click here or contact the Engineers Ireland Membership Team email