Engineers from across the globe are marking World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, the second annual UNESCO international day which highlights the achievements of engineers and engineering in our modern world and aims to improve public understanding of how engineering and technology is central to sustainable development. 

Brian Leddin TD said: "As an engineer myself, I recognise the significant contribution that Irish engineers will make to our economy and our society as we tackle the challenges of energy and mobility particularly. And indeed to the contribution that they will make to the global effort to mitigate carbon emissions."

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar TD said: "Today is the day of engineers and [I] acknowledge the enormous contribution that they make to strengthening our economy and making it a better place, particularly when it comes to housing and infrastructure." 


With almost three-quarters of the Irish public citing that engineers have an ethical obligation to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, Maurice Buckley, president of Engineers Ireland said: “Engineers play a critical role in shaping the world around us and are uniquely placed to help the world meet critical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Resilience of our built and natural environment

“Our approach to sustainability includes the resilience of our built and natural environment in the face of extreme weather (climate adaptation), the need to reduce emissions related to our buildings, vehicles and infrastructure (climate mitigation), biodiversity protection and enhancement, and achieving the UN SDGs.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated our ability to make dramatic improvements for the good of society, including innovation in healthcare technology and how we work.

"In the midst of the pandemic we have a unique opportunity to build on this forced innovation and make significant and lasting changes to reduce emissions, improve our environment, and to slow climate change. 

"There is an opportunity now to make sustainability and climate action central to Ireland’s recovery, in order to reduce human impact on the environment while improving our quality of life.”

As part of STEPS Engineers Week 2021, Engineers Ireland’s members joined hundreds of secondary students and their teachers as they virtually attended Engineers Ireland’s lunchtime event to mark World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development today, which included a panel discussion involving the chair of the Committee on Climate Action, Brian Leddin TD, on the contribution of engineering to climate action at home and abroad. 

Irish engineers' significant contribution

He said: “As a working engineer myself before my election to the Dáil, I recognise the significant contribution that Irish engineers have made and will make to our economy and our society.

"On World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, it is particularly important to recognise the central role that Ireland’s engineers will play in this country’s response to the climate crisis. I’m grateful to Engineers Ireland for their ongoing work in promoting the profession of engineering and its importance to Ireland’s sustainable future.

“Minister for the Environment Eamon Ryan said just last week that cutting Ireland’s carbon emissions by half over the next decade will be immensely challenging but is achievable, and it is encouraging to see the clear intention at EU and at Irish government level, to ensure that any new stimulus investment to recover from the pandemic is undertaken in an entirely sustainable way. 

“Engineers Ireland recognises, and will respond to, the clear call for new and innovative engineering solutions to support this. The world right now is preoccupied with the pandemic.

"But as an engineering community, we need to get back to strengthening the focus on mitigating and adapting to climate change.  We must build resilience to climate change into all our infrastructural investment now as well as working with countries all around the globe to reduce emissions and mitigate warming.” 

Now in its 15th year, and taking place virtually for the first time, STEPS Engineers Week is co-ordinated by Engineers Ireland's STEPS programme – funded by Science Foundation Ireland, the Department of Education and industry leaders Arup, ESB, Intel and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). Highlights of the week-long campaign include:

To download free resources, including engineering activities, shows and documentaries, visit: