Skillnet Ireland has been ranked first out of 47 in a European Commission report assessing best-practice upskilling initiatives for enterprise across the EU, the United States, UK, Canada, China, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, India and South Africa.

Skillnet's ranking was based on its overall average key performance metrics. It also topped the analysis for impact on businesses and impact/contribution to the economy including to the digital and climate agenda.The 'Pact for Skills: Analysing of Upskilling and Reskilling Policy Initiatives and Identifying Best Practices' was conducted by PwC. 

Last week the EU Commission published its report, titled 'Pact for Skills: Analysing of Upskilling and Reskilling Policy Initiatives and Identifying Best Practices'. 

The objective of the report is to assess the best-practice upskilling initiatives for enterprise in all EU member states, in the United States, UK, Canada, China, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, India and South Africa. The report was conducted by PwC and commissioned by the European Innovation Council (EIC) which was established under the EU Horizon Europe programme which supports innovation across the EU. 

Impact/contribution to the economy

This report ranked Skillnet Ireland first out of 47 in benchmarking based on overall average key performance metrics, as well as topping the analysis for impact on businesses and impact/contribution to the economy including to the digital and climate agenda.

The report also reinforces Ireland’s reputation for leading-edge workforce development policies and business supports. This success is made possible by the excellent work of our many industry partners across all regions and sectors in Ireland. 

Paul Healy, Skillnet Ireland chief executive, said: “We are pleased with this very positive outcome recognising Skillnet Ireland’s work and our contribution to workforce development policy in Ireland. I would like to acknowledge the commitment and ingenuity of our industry partner organisations across our 70 Skillnet Business Networks and national talent initiatives.

"We look forward to continuing working together to make sure that Ireland has a future-ready workforce to navigate the digital and green transitions and enabling companies to build a competitive edge in these rapidly evolving areas.” 

The EU Pact for Skills emphasises the importance of continuous learning throughout an individual’s life. It recognises that in a rapidly changing world, the acquisition of new skills and the updating of existing ones are essential for individuals to remain competitive and for businesses to stay relevant. 

This EU report aims to provide practical suggestions on advancing up- and reskilling-related policy development and implementation and provides insights into other upskilling and reskilling landscapes. 

A copy of this report is available here