Shannon LNG Ltd plans to build the power plant on a 630-acre site between Tarbert and Ballylongford in north Kerry, it has been announced.

The proposed facility will also include a 120MW battery energy storage system and a regasification unit. 

In a detailed ruling, which runs to more than 30 pages, the board confirmed its decision to grant permission for the development subject to compliance with more than 20 conditions.

Single combined cycle gas turbine

The proposed power plant will comprise three turbine halls each containing a single combined cycle gas turbine with a capacity of about 200MW.

An Bord Pleanála said: "It is considered that the proposed development would accord with the relevant policy at a European, national, regional and local level," stated the board which added that it is satisfied that the proposed development "would be consistent with national climate ambitions and with the relevant provisions of the Climate Action Plan 2024".

It added: "The proposed development along with the proposed battery energy storage facility, will provide back-up to a renewables-based electricity grid and will contribute to the resilience of the overall energy supply network.”

The three turbine plant – each rising more than 30m high – would not seriously injure the visual amenities of the area, or of property in the vicinity, would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and would constitute an appropriate form of development at this location, it said. 

It also granted permission for a 120MW battery energy storage system.