Enterprise minister Simon Coveney has announced the appointment of Dr Denis Doyle as a new IDA Ireland board member. He is currently the board chair of Tyndall National Institute.  

Dr Denis Doyle.

For 30 years, Dr Doyle defined and developed major technologies in the semiconductor industry. He is the former vice president of internal silicon manufacturing for Analog Devices Inc, heading up the company’s four silicon chip fabrication facilities, both in Ireland and in the United States.

He also served as Analog Devices’ general manager in Ireland, spearheading many technology advances and infrastructural investments. In 2001, Dr Doyle was awarded the distinguished title of ADI fellow, having contributed significantly to the company’s success through his leadership and development of many of the company’s specialised silicon technologies. 

He is an EMCC accredited executive coach, having completed his postgraduate diploma in business and executive coaching from UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School in 2022. Dr Doyle is an UCC alumni, with a BE (Elect), and a master's (M Eng Sc) and PhD in microelectronics.  

Professor William Scanlon, CEO, Tyndall, said: “This is a well-deserved recognition for Denis and it is great news for Tyndall as we continue our work in supporting the growth of the semiconductor sector in Ireland through our partnership with the IDA.”  

Minister Coveney also appointed Feargal O’Rourke as the new IDA chair, Marian Corcoran, an existing board member, as deputy chair, and Dr Leisha Daly as a new board member.