Regions within the EU differ economically with some countries lagging behind other more developed regions. The EU is seeking to reduce these disparities and has recognised that the production and dissemination of knowledge is important to regional innovation systems and crucial to the development of knowledge based economies. Under Horizon Europe, actions associated with the 'Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence' programme have been developed to support regions that lag behind. 

Visit of Irish ambassador Conor Long to the CMMI offices in Larnaca. Image: Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute.

One of these actions, Teaming, supports the upgrading of Centres of Excellence and the development of new centres in low research and innovation performing regions. These centres are built off a foundation of partnerships with leading international institutions, referred to as Advanced Partners.

Reform and stimulate the research and innovation environment

The Centres of Excellence act as lighthouses within the region and aim to reform and stimulate the research and innovation environment. The IMDO is an advanced partner in the CMMI-MaRITeC-X project which is developing a Marine and Maritime Research, Innovation and Technology Development Centre of Excellence in Cyprus, the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI). The other advanced partners involved in the project include BlueWise Marine and the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute of the University of Southampton.

Cyprus has a number of competitive advantages being an island nation located on major maritime routes and at the crossroads of three continents. It has strong maritime traditions and is a major maritime nation with the third largest merchant fleet operating under its flag in Europe.

The CMMI is driven by the needs of industry and society and through focusing on applied research is seeking to address major challenges in the marine and maritime sectors. It seeks to become a major driving force behind the growth of the Cypriot economy with a focus on sustainable blue growth.

The multidisciplinary research being undertaken by CMMI involves marine technology, marine robotics, maritime digitalisation, marine observation, marine and coastal ecosystems, maritime human element, marine cultural heritage, marine and maritime policies and regional cooperation, and underwater and seabed technologies.

The IMDO is seeking to connect the CMMI with Ireland’s marine and maritime research and innovation ecosystem and would advise anyone interested in engaging with the CMMI to make contact with the IMDO.