Engineers Ireland has announced that the CPD Certificate in Professional Engineering will run online again this autumn after the successful completion of seven online programmes – both open programmes and in-company – which commenced in 2020.

This programme is specifically designed, in partnership with leading employers, to enable graduates, up to 12 months out of college, to understand and gain the competences and professional standards expected of them in the workplace.

With the first autumn programme now sold out, the CPD team in Engineers Ireland have a further programme schedule to run from Tuesday, October 12, 2021, to Tuesday, March 8, 2022.

The certificate is comprised of six distinct modules, each aimed to develop and improve the professional engineering skills of recent graduates as follows:

Essential Skills

  • Time management and organisational skills
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • An Introduction to project management
  • Innovations in Excel
  • Technical report writing skills

Please click here to visit the course page on our website and view further details including price and module breakdown.


The online delivery of this programme ensures graduates have the flexibility and accessibility to enrol, regardless of their location, and join live, interactive virtual training modules providing the opportunity to familiarise themselves with online learning tools.

Each tutor is selected for their industry expertise, their acknowledged contribution to the profession of engineering and/or their unique knowledge at the forefront of a chosen field. To maximise the learning experience, each student is also supported by a workplace mentor to guide and optimise their continuous professional development.

Engineers get the opportunity to learn among a diverse group of peers from a range of organisations and sectors. Classroom groups are restricted in size to maximise the learning experience and allow for ample interaction and group activities.

Through Engineers Ireland’s online Learning Management System, graduates will gain access to a plethora of supplementary learning materials to ensure they get the most from each classroom session. Using the virtual learning tools allows graduates to engage in self-paced learning while honing time management and communication skills by submitting reviewed assignments for each module.

Key objectives

Each module is designed to build from the next and provide a structured learning experience for graduates to hone their professionalism, adaptability, and resilience in an engineering context.

The methodologies and structure of the programme have been chosen to facilitate the thinking and behaviours towards graduates becoming ‘T Shaped engineers’ for their employers – combining their depth level of engineering knowledge with a breadth of knowledge across many non-technical skills.

Graduates will develop skills and knowledge in areas such as workplace communication, time management, technical skills such as Microsoft Excel and the fundamental expertise required to manage projects.

Trainer testimonial

Phil Kildea, trainer and executive coaching, delegate testimonial

"Day 1 is a fast-paced, action-packed, highly interactive fun day. It deliberately sets the tone for the programme; giving participants a great opportunity to get to know each other better and learn from their shared experiences. It covers a broad range of topics that get participants thinking about and acting on areas which are essential to their future professional development.

"There are five key modules which the day covers:

  • The transition from full-time study to the workplace
  • Learning how to learn.
  • Professionalism in the workplace
  • Dealing with stress in the workplace
  • Collaboration and teamwork

"Participants work in teams throughout the day, addressing tasks and sharing their outputs with the overall group."

Éibhín White, DePuy

“This course was extremely useful when joining the company. It covered all aspects and was very relevant and up to date. I feel significantly more confident in my abilities in a professional environment after completing this programme, with every aspect of work life being covered and in great detail.

"I would highly recommend completing this course. All trainers were very engaging and helpful throughout and there was an appropriate amount of time between modules to allow students to finish assignments while in full-time work.”

Simon Lysaght, KOSTAL

“I have found this programme to be of great benefit to my engineering career and would highly recommend it to other young engineers. All the modules covered throughout the programme contained very relevant information to engineers.

"All the lecturers that we had for the various modules were very informative and there was never a problem if you didn’t quite understand something and wanted to ask a question. The assignments that had to be completed after each module really helped drill home the information that was learnt throughout the modules.”