It's time for a European Data Charter for the management of data in the digital age which should reflect fundamental rights and European Union values.

The following proposal for a European Data Charter has been submitted to the Conference on the Future of Europe:

Guiding principles: 

  • Access to information is a human right;
  • Legal basis for the ethical use of trustworthy data;
  • Citizens will have the right to decide what to do with their data;
  • Fast reliable access to relevant data will enable the digital empowerment of Europe's citizens;
  • Semantic standards and interoperability requirements will facilitate the sharing and reuse of data;
  • The free movement of data will simplify cross-border data exchanges;
  • A general once-only principle will underpin all digital services;
  • EU values will determine the generation, collection, processing, sharing, reuse, sale, surveillance, protection and preservation of personal and non-personal data;
  • New legal and institutional safeguards will ensure a trusted ecosystem of data and digital services;
  • Data governance will aim to deliver the benefits of data equitably for all.

A European Data Charter would send a strong message that Europe has laid the foundations for a future where data is considered a public good and citizens’ digital rights are protected, while maximising the potential of data to create: a safer, more just society; new and improved user-centric digital public services; and a sustainable, resilient economy. 

Readers can endorse it if they are in agreement.