The Global Engineers initiative is a series of information seminars targeting professionals who have recently moved to Ireland after qualifying overseas or are considering moving here. This follows through with Engineers Ireland's commitment in growing and diversifying membership in its Statement of Strategic Intent 2021-2023.

First established in 2017, the Global Engineers series has grown year on year, with 12 events reaching more than 1,000 engineers in 2022. Each event is specifically designed for and tailored to a target country, language, gender, or engineering sector.
They include relevant guest speakers highlighting their professional experiences, cultural differences, and tips to achieve career success in Ireland; promoting Engineers Ireland as the professional home of engineers in the country. The online or hybrid events provide attendees with valuable information and excellent networking opportunities.
Global Engineers series created to:
- Educate engineers from around the world about how they can progress in the engineering profession in Ireland;
- Communicate the benefits of becoming a member of Engineers Ireland;
- Share information on how to access opportunities to advance their professional careers in Ireland;
- With the support of key stakeholders, give professional advice on CV and cover letter formatting, the visa process, and tips on researching and securing job opportunities;
- Recognise and verify international qualifications;
- Increase and diversify Engineers Ireland membership;
- Strengthen the connection between qualified international engineers living in Ireland and engineering companies.
This year's Global Engineers series have focused on structural and microelectronics engineers, and have addressed engineers from Brazil, India, and South Africa, generating more than 700 new leads for Engineers Ireland. Another four events are planned for the rest of the year.
The next Global Engineers Event will target engineers from 21 Spanish-speaking countries worldwide. The membership team is working with the CPD team to deliver the event at Engineers Ireland's office on Wednesday, September 14.
The event organisers have reached out to multiple engineering companies that hire global engineers. They have received the support of several Latin-American embassies who have promoted the event with their communities on social media, generating significant interest. With more than 230 people registered, the event is fully booked for in-person participation. However, it is still open for online participation.
In 2021, 31% of new Engineers Ireland members graduated outside of Ireland and the UK. International engineers share their experience with Irish professionals and address the skills shortage with a diverse, qualified workforce and bring the benefit of new technologies and innovation to Ireland.
If you are interested in hearing more about this initiative, please contact the membership team.