Rahima Ahmed, a recent graduate of Limerick Institute of Technology and BIM Technician at PUNCH Consulting Engineers, has been awarded the inaugural Engineering Engagement Award by Engineers Ireland’s Thomond region.

The award, initiated by the Thomond region committee of Engineers Ireland, recognises individuals and teams for their dedication and enthusiasm in the advancement and promotion of the engineering profession within the Thomond region, which comprises of Clare, Limerick and north Tipperary.

Project delivery and academic achievement

The committee selected Rahima Ahmed as the inaugural recipient of the award having considered her innovation, volunteer work, project delivery and academic achievement. 

Pat Donnellan, chairman of the Thomond region of Engineers Ireland, said: “Not only has Rahima been a very active member of the Thomond region over the past number of years but she was also one of the founding members of the Thomond region Young Engineers Society (YES) and their chairperson for 2019.

"Rahima has displayed magnificent energy and enthusiasm in promoting engineering as a profession among the younger generation and is recognised by her peers as an inspiration role model, especially for young girls.

"Rahima has excelled academically and started her career with PUNCH Consulting Engineers, all the while devoting much of her time to inspire young people to consider engineering as a profession. Congratulations Rahima, this award is richly deserved.”

Rahima Ahmed is pictured with her Engineering Engagement Award.

Thanking the Thomond region committee on receipt of her award, Rahima Ahmed said: “Thank you very much Engineers Ireland Thomond region for this award. Over the past number of years, the Engineers Ireland Thomond region had given me so many opportunities.

"I have met so many different people and learned a lot through the different events and meetings that were organised by the Engineers Ireland Thomond region committee.

"All the committee members became my mentors because they always used to teach me new things. I will forever cherish this. This is the best thing that happened to me this year.”

For more information on Engineers Ireland Thomond region, visit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/engineers-ireland-thomond-region-449b43176/