Ireland’s space expert, Dr Niamh Shaw, has been announced as a ‘European Space Agency (ESA) champion’ by Josef Aschbacher, ESA director general.

Dr Shaw is just one of 15 ESA champions and Ireland’s only space expert to be awarded the title for her outstanding contribution to communicating about space. She was awarded the title specifically for her work in space education; finding creative and original ways to educate people about Europe’s missions in space.

An engineer, scientist and writer, Dr Shaw lectures at the International Space University in Strasbourg. She also works closely with school children, young people and local communities through a variety of projects to share her knowledge and enthusiasm about space exploration and how it benefits life on earth. Her book Dream Big: An Irish Woman’s Space Odyssey was published by Mercier Press in 2020.

Dr Shaw said: “I’m honoured to be awarded the title of ESA champion. It is wonderful to be recognised by my space agency. I will continue to share my enthusiasm for space exploration with as many people as possible. It is hugely beneficial to humanity and life on earth, and we must continue to learn and discover.”

Dr Shaw was at the Nasa Kennedy Space Centre to report on the wet dress rehearsal of Artemis I spacecraft on St Patrick’s Day and she will return to the Kennedy Centre again this month to report on the next crew launch to the International Space Station. Follow her adventure on twitter: @Dr_Niamh_Shaw