Anam, the independent provider of messaging solutions for mobile operators, has been awarded the much sought after CPD Accredited Employer Standard by Engineers Ireland in recognition of its continuing professional development (CPD) strategy.

Headquartered in Dublin, Anam has established itself as a leading provider of independent SMS Firewall and A2P Monetisation services, with its systems processing billions of messages daily across 85 countries for more than 650 million subscribers. 

Padraig Murtagh, director of engineering at Anam

Diverse and inclusive work environment

It has built its success on a culture of innovation and by recognising that people are its greatest asset. Anam has set out a clear priority to develop all employees, to invest in culture, people and create a diverse and inclusive work environment and recognises that becoming an accredited employer and having CPD at the heart of its people strategy will provide a strong foundation for its future growth, expansion and success.

Padraig Murtagh, director of engineering at Anam, said: “Anam has benefited hugely from participation in Engineers Ireland’s CPD programme, impact of which has exceeded our expectations.

"Having a formal framework for continuous learning at a company level ensures our capabilities keep pace and often exceed industry standards, while at a personal level it acts as a motivational influence for staff to pursue individual interests and broaden their perspectives.

"The reaction of staff overall to the CPD initiative has been very positive with many using it as an opportunity to upskill themselves beyond their day-to-day role.”

Must-have learning and development standard

Supported by the Department of Education and Skills, Engineers Ireland’s CPD Accredited Employer Standard has been adopted by more than 165 engineering-led organisations to date and is the must-have learning and development standard for organisations looking to develop their engineers.

Caroline Spillane, director general of Engineers Ireland, said: “Continuing Professional Development plays a vital role in keeping staff skilled, companies agile and our economy competitive. I wish to congratulate Anam for their dedication to professional development and achieving CPD Accredited Employer status.

"It is clear that Anam has a strong commitment to developing its people and will now join a community of innovative, dynamic engineering organisations who harness this best practice CPD framework to learn, adapt and grow.”

For more information on the Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Standard, visit: