Thermo Fisher Scientific recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary of its on-site wind turbine in Currabinny, Co Cork.
Providing 19% of the site’s electricity in 2023, the turbine has generated more than 75,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity, the equivalent of powering approximately 17,000 homes for a year, and led to the avoidance of more than 44,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) for the grid.
Achieved full financial payback within six years
Standing at 100m tall with 50m blades, at the time, the Enercon 3MW wind turbine was the highest wind turbine tower in Ireland to date, taking almost 30,000 hours to construct. This project was supported by the government through IDA Ireland. The turbine achieved full financial payback within six years, highlighting the project’s economic viability alongside its environmental benefits.

Edel Collins, gneral manager at Thermo Fisher Cork, said: “This is a major milestone for the Cork site. When the turbine was first switched on 10 years ago, it ignited our sustainability journey in earnest. Since then, our award-winning energy management team has grown and has delivered further energy reductions of over 10,000 MWhs since 2022.
“From its detailed construction process to its commissioning in 2014, this turbine exemplifies sustainable energy projects with tangible outcomes that are delivered through vision and collaboration.
"At Thermo Fisher, our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Thermo Fisher has pledged to achieve net-zero emissions across our entire value chain by 2050, and a 50.4% reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions by the year 2030. I look forward to what the next ten years will bring on our journey to a more sustainable future.”

Michael Lohan, CEO at IDA Ireland said: “Sustainable projects like the Enercon 3MW wind turbine at Thermo Fisher’s Cork site are very much aligned to IDA Ireland’s renewable energy goals and sustainable economic growth. By integrating renewable energy generation into their operations, organisations like Thermo Fisher are not only reducing their carbon footprint but also setting a strong example for the industry.”
The wind turbine is part of a long-term and enduring commitment to sustainability. The site has been ISO50001 Energy Management System certified since 2012 and over the past decade has delivered substantial energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects. These projects include upgrades to the heating ventilation and air condition systems, thermal system upgrades, and replacing a waste heat boiler. This is in addition to long-term commitment to the protecting and enhancing the local environment, a commitment that began in 1978 with the development of a bird shelter.