Now in its 26th year, Energy Ireland continues to be the major annual event on the Irish energy calendar, attracting influential delegates from across the sector.

The current decade is crucial in Ireland’s transition to a low carbon energy future. Climate action has gained an urgency in the public consciousness and is now a political priority.
With the publication of the government’s Climate Action Plan in late 2021, the energy sector will do the heavy lifting in Ireland’s decarbonisation to net zero in 2050. This will see an acceleration in the development of renewable energy and the electrification of the heat and transport sectors.
This year has also seen a dramatic rise in natural gas prices globally and the security of supply of Ireland’s electricity grid has come under the spotlight. This comes against a backdrop of a fast-growing economy that is rebounding from the pandemic.
Energy Ireland 2022 will bring together all the key stakeholders in the Irish energy sector to discuss and debate the key drivers of the energy transition and the current energy price crunch. It will look forward to the developments for this crucial decade and examine the deployment of developing technologies such as energy storage and green hydrogen.

Key themes for 2022:
- Geopolitical context to the energy transition
- Improving Ireland’s energy security
- Developing Ireland’s offshore wind energy resources
- Future electricity system development
- Decarbonising Ireland’s gas network
- Role of renewable energy technologies in the energy transition
- Importance of digital networks in Ireland’s energy future
- Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications
- William Walsh, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
- Dr Katja Yafimava, The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
- Paddy Hayes, ESB
- Aoife MacEvilly, Commission for Regulation of Utilities
- Stephen Wheeler, SSE Renewables
- Donna Gartland, Codema — Dublin's Energy Agency
- Dave Kirwan, Bord Gáis Energy
- Siobhán McHugh, The Demand Response Association of Ireland
- Cathal Marley, Ervia
- Niamh McGovern, Arthur Cox
- Mark Foley, EirGrid
- Tanya Harrington, Renewable Energy Ireland
- Peter Lantry, Hitachi Energy
- Richard Murphy, Pinsent Masons
- Malcolm Keay, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
- Margie McCarthy, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
- Andy Kelly, Afry
- Maria Ryan, SSE Renewables
- David Kelly, Gas Networks Ireland
- Anne Marie Clancy, Department for the Environment, Climate & Communications
- Rory Monaghan, NUI Galway & Hydrogen Ireland
- Úna Nic Giolla Choille
- Brian Ó Gallachóir, MaREI Centre UCC
- Catherine Sheridan, EI-H2
- J Owen Lewis, Energy Institute
See full programme:

Five reasons you should book your place now!
- Ireland’s major annual energy conference – all key players attend
- Hear from Ireland’s energy leaders: DECC, CRU, ESB, Gas Networks Ireland, Bord Gáis Energy, SSE Renewables, SEAI, EirGrid
- High profile visiting experts presenting external perspectives
- Opportunity to hear all the latest developments in Irish energy in one place
- Opportunities for Q&A with speakers
Further information
For more information on Energy Ireland or to view the full conference programme go to the website or to book a place at the conference, email or call us on +353 (0)1 661 3755.