Over the past six months, we have engaged in a detailed process of review, research and consultation to develop a Statement of Strategic Intent covering the period 2021-2023. It has received the support of our Council and Executive Board and we are now seeking final review and consideration by you, our members, in this survey, the link of which is below. The Statement of Strategic Intent consultation paper can be downloaded here.
We have also developed a Sustainability Plan to translate a strategic commitment to sustainability into action. The actions are aligned with our core objectives under the headings Learn (professional formation and development), Live (operations), Lead (advocacy and regulation) and Collaborate. The Sustainability Plan consultation paper can be downloaded here.
Your views on both the Statement of Strategic Intent and the Sustainability Plan are of great importance to us and we thank you in advance for the attention you give this survey.
The deadline for responses is Thursday, 2 July 2020. Individual responses are confidential.
Please respond using this SurveyMonkey link.