The national biomethane conference 2024 is a timely stakeholder engagement to support the implementation of the National Biomethane Strategy. 

'Ireland Biomethane – pathway to 2030', is organised by Renewable Gas Forum Ireland in partnership with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, and KPMG.

Keen to invest

At a recent RGFI meeting, KPMG reported that it has seen biomethane go from a niche market to mainstream and, across the EU, the investor/finance sector is keen to invest. 

It commented on how the government is now committed to supporting biomethane and that investors are mobilising with domestic and international developers getting involved ahead of policy being formalised.

The national biomethane conference 2024 is a timely stakeholder engagement to support the implementation of the National Biomethane Strategy.

Corporates, including pharma, are being driven by their net zero targets to 2030. Some corporates invested heavily in gas boilers in 2015 and will want to make full use of them through biomethane rather than electrifying.

RGFI has worked with KPMG since 2019, producing 'An Integrated Business Case for Biomethane in Ireland', which laid the foundation for government confidence in the value and feasibility of biomethane production to decarbonise industry thermal processes.

KPMG has also supported RGFI’s work on agrifood industry collaboration through Project Clover. This work and the united voice provided by RGFI for the whole biomethane industry has brought biomethane to the fore as a central part of Ireland’s decarbonisation effort, as well as supporting the circular bioeconomy and adding to the country’s future energy security.

Construction of 150-200 large-scale AD biomethane plants

The national target of 5.7TWh biomethane production by 2030 will require the construction of 150-200 large-scale AD biomethane plants and some are already through the planning process.

The national biomethane conference 2024 is a timely stakeholder engagement to support the implementation of the National Biomethane Strategy.

The task requires mobilisation across the technology sector and provides an exciting opportunity for many engineering businesses.

And the opportunity does not stop at biomethane production as there is growing realisation that the co-products of digestate fertiliser and biogenic CO2 have a strong role to play in valorisation and the demand for both co-products is high.

“There is real urgency in consolidating a national infrastructure to allow the bio-renewables technology industry to develop across Ireland ”, said Seamus Crickley,  director of WEW Engineering Ltd, and an RGFI board member. He is very proactive in the EU Biomethane Industrial Partnership and European Biogas Association working groups, to accelerate biomethane production across Europe.

“Fundamentals to be integrated into on-site bio-energy systems are sustainable digestate recovery as fertiliser, CO2 separation for reuse, and design to accommodate high planning and licence demands, with the ultimate objectives of reduced GHG and CF," said Crickley.

"The system design ideal is at least carbon neutral and should support the Circular Economy Action Programme (CEAP) of the EU. We also urgently need a clear definition of bio-fertilisers and a certification system in place.”

Consultant engineers, WEW Engineering Ltd are RGFI members, focused on sustainable, energy efficient water and wastewater treatment. 

A concerted effort with collaboration and information exchange is required, across government and industry to meet the national biomethane decarbonisation target within the time frame and to establish the industry.

The Ireland Biomethane Conference will facilitate such collaboration and exchange, with the afternoon programme devoted to focussed presentations and round-table discussions on the topics of Technology and Construction; Sustainability; Financing; and Planning and Licensing.

Ministers from both DAFM and DECC (Charlie McConalogue and Eamon Ryan) have confirmed they will be speaking at the Conference on June 12, and the line-up includes leading industrialists, suppliers, operators, farming interests and advisors such as Future Biogas, Nephin Energy, GNI, KPMG Sustainable Futures, Entrust and the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association.


The conference is 'all-island' and will consider the potential for a shared approach going forward with input from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland.

'Ireland Biomethane – pathway to 2030', June 12, Croke Park, Dublin.

Further Information and Registration

Many thanks to Platinum sponsors: Gas Networks Ireland, Future Biogas

Gold sponsors: Climeaction, FBD, DPTC, Nephin Renewable Energy, Flogas

Silver sponsors:  O’Dowd Biofuel, Rabobank, British Embassy, ACT Commodities