A problem facing most construction companies, in fact – most companies, is they can’t get the people they need, especially engineers, project managers, QSs and health and safety officers. At the CIF International Women’s Day Event in March this year it was suggested that encouraging women who had worked in the sector back could help address this.

Ideal opportunity
So, when a call from Skillnet Ireland for funding for training the unemployed came out, the ideal opportunity arose. The Construction Professionals Skillnet could design and offer a programme for free, for people who are looking to return to the construction sector.
The result is Return with Confidence, a virtual 12-week programme, which offers one-to-one coaching, upskilling and a skills refresh, as well as job application skills, such as CV and cover letter preparation, LinkedIn profile and interview skills.
The six-week skills update is followed by a six-week work placement. We already have a number of companies offering placements, these include household names such as Mercury, Designer Group, Sisk, Collen, Flynn and Amazon.
Participants must be unemployed, but don’t have to be in receipt of social welfare. “The target group are difficult to reach as we expect many of them to have stopped working in the sector to work in the home. They probably aren’t in receipt of social welfare. So it is through word of mouth that we will get the message out to those thinking of returning to the work place”, said Liz Carroll, network manager with the Construction Professionals Skillnet.
The programme is there to help:
- Decide what type of work will suit their circumstances
- Decide what companies they might target as potential employers
- Get a skills refresher
- Have upskilling opportunities
- Trial being back in the work place
“We need everyone to tell everyone they know about this so that would-be participants hear about the programme.”
The result is a win for everyone involved. Those looking to return to work, have a clear idea of what they want when they return and have a chance to refresh their job application skills as well as refresh their IT skills and interpersonal and problem solving skills and a chance to work in a role and a company that they want to work for, with the potential for a permanent role.
Companies get the opportunity to meet and work with experienced personnel who may meet their needs. It is the perfect opportunity to see if the person is a fit for the company and the role. It is also an opportunity for them to trial flexible working as a progressive step for the business.
For the Construction Professionals Skillnet we fill our remit by supporting both the returners and construction companies.
A win-win-win for all involved – tell everyone!
For further information on the programme click here: https://www.cpskillnet.ie/return-with-confidence/