Now in its 14th year, DataCentres Ireland is the largest gathering of all those involved in the dynamic data centre sector which will take place on November 22-23, 2023, at the RDS Dublin.
While people know of data centres, what they are and what they do is often misunderstood.
Yes, data centres use power, when their servers are running, however it is what’s running on them which is vital to individuals as well as the Irish economy… Why? Because data centres transform into your bank account; your satnav; your smartphone; streaming channels; Netflix; social media; shopping channels; all cloud-based applications; your ability to work from home; your Zoom call to loved ones abroad; in fact, nearly everything that impacts your life, whether at work or socially.
One of the strongest ITC sectors
Ireland has one of the strongest ITC sectors in Europe, with the CSO recently estimating that it is worth over €197bn in exports, making this an important revenue generator for the country.
Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
In recognition of this, DataCentres Ireland, is pleased to announce that on November 23, Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, will deliver the keynote address.
The conference features both strategy and operational streams, one looking at the issues driving the market, the other on the technologies and practices which can be employed to make the design, building, operation and of new and existing data centres more effective and efficient.
Within the data centre sector, the discussion is on 'How data centres can help grow the Irish economy' as well as 'How they can use the latest products, practices, technologies, and best practices to make data centres more sustainable, achieve greater carbon reduction, and improve efficiency, as well as assisting in the adoption of green energy on to the Irish grid'.
DataCentres Ireland is free to attend and focused on the latest infrastructure and features over 100 exhibitors and 70-plus speakers.
To see the latest about the event and register to attend visit and for those contemplating exhibiting simply call +44 (0) 1892 779992 or email: