Are you looking for productive and future-proof automation? With perfectly connected automation components that work together mechanically, electrically and intelligently? With interfaces that you define yourself?
With our range of products and services and our complete automation competence, we can support you, whether it's with mechanics, electrics or intelligence right up to the cloud. Our universal interfaces can help you reach your ambitious goals step by step.
Mechanical connectivity: Establish optimal connections with our mechanical axes – individually or in a system
For your connectivity in assembly, testing and inspection systems, in small parts handling, in the electronics industry or for desktop applications: The new spindle and toothed belt axes ELGC and mini-slide units EGSC can be used either as compact, protected and cost-effective single axes. Or they can be easily combined into a handling system – assembly is simple and no adapters are needed thanks to the unique "one-size-down" concept.
Freely create mechanical combinations that precisely meet the requirements of your applications, and that match our servo motors or your in-house standard.
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Electrical connectivity: Connect your electromechanical system and control environment with the perfect combination of servo motors and servo drivers
For your connectivity independent of your electromechanical system and control environment: Festo servo motors and servo drives optimally connect mechanical and control systems. They can be easily and quickly configured as a complete servo drive package with software support. The best choice for the industrial automation of motion.
Freely create electrical combinations that precisely meet the requirements of your applications.
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Intelligent connectivity: connect your automation of today with the future
For your connectivity with flexible communication between all devices: With our CPX-E automation system you connect your control environment and your servo drive systems with Festo motion control and remote IO.
Through the IoT gateway from Festo you can connect automation platforms
with the cloud and can already benefit from Industry 4.0 today.
Freely create intelligent combinations that precisely meet the requirements of your applications. For communication that fits in with your standards and helps you connect with the future.
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