Roadbridge, as part of the Roadbridge L&M Keating JV, was appointed by Dublin Port Company to design, manufacture, deliver, install, commission and Lloyds certify a new linkspan, 'Linkspan 7'.
Roadbridge collaboratively worked with Dublin Port Company (DPC) and Ravestein BV, a Dutch company specialising in this field to deliver the project.
The Linkspan was shipped along the River Waal to the Dutch harbour in Rotterdam on October 14, 2019, and remained at this location pending suitable weather conditions (max wind Force 4) and sea state (max wave height 1.4m).
The Linkspan departed the Dutch harbour at 10am on January 18, 2020, and arrived in Dublin Port at 11am on Jan 23, 2020.
Two Dublin Port tugs observed and flanked the Linkspan during the passage along the channel and into Alexander Basin. The main tug shortened her tug line to approximately 15m prior to entering Alexander Basin in order to maintain better control of the linkspan.
The Linkspan was pulled alongside Berth 24/25 and was nudged on to the berth by a smaller assist tug, the Trojan, which was lying in wait.
Roadbridge is proud to be involved in the successful delivery of yet another key component, forming part of Dublin Port's masterplan.