You know the situation, production is increasing, there is a requirement for high quality Compressed Air to meet demand, however there are project hurdles to overcome, not least of which can be no room for expansion in the current compressor room. A specific contract means an additional demand on Compressed Air for a specified period.
The ability to have a flexible system which can be located at different plants or locations when required.
KAESER ContainAir Solutions are designed to individual customer needs to ensure the tailored system meets the technical requirements in all aspects including air quality and reliability.
Plug and Play Solution
The system is designed as a complete package for the customer including all air treatment and control systems, this gives the customer the option to install a ready to use compressor station on site thereby reducing both costs and time.
All systems are tested at KAESER Austria, and come with full CE approval for the complete ContainAir.
Once on site there are single connections for both Power and Compressed Air.
All other requirements such as light, heat, pipe systems are fully integrated into the ContainAir to provide the customer with the tailored solution and immediate air
ContainAir Design
KAESER uses insulated containers that are specifically designed and produced for each application, this ensures far better thermal conditions within the container than a standard container, the result is no condensation.
- A major advantage is sound reduction and the minimisation of acoustic emission to the environment.
- All openings are specially reinforced to maintain the structural strength of the container
- Rain Protectors are installed above openings to prevent rain water ingress
- Pipework is implemented in accordance with PED 97/23 or ASME and can be in Stainless Steel
- Electrical equipment: The containers feature EN 60204 compliant control cabinets and are fully wired
- Full interior lighting
- Electric Heaters
- Emergency lighting
- 700mm Clearance routes are included
One Connection for Electrical and Compressed Air is all that is required
International approvals for Containers include
CE to Machine Directive 2006/42/EC
PED 97/23/EC module B+D
UL for the USA market

A movie tells a thousand words
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For More Information on ContainAir Solutions:
KAESER Compressors Ltd
Units 43/44 Western Parkway Business Park
Dublin 12
Phone +353 1 4565433