LiDAR is now the de facto data source for those in need of accurate and detailed terrain information. Airborne LiDAR sensors use laser technology to measure the height of both the terrain and any above ground features such as trees and buildings, to an accuracy and resolution unparalleled by other airborne methods.
Over the course of the past three years, Bluesky International has acquired and created an increasing volume of high accuracy aerial LiDAR data over various parts of Ireland. The data has been acquired and processed to the highest accuracy standards and is available for almost immediate delivery in a variety of GIS/CAD formats. The data includes Digital Terrain Models (DTM-bare earth model), Digital Surface Models (DSMs-canopy model) and classified point cloud data.
[caption id="attachment_42848" align="alignleft" width="663"]
Flood planning study in Co. Cork[/caption]
Bluesky has created data over approximately 8,000km2* within both urban and rural landscapes, generating the most detailed and accurate wide-area terrain data ever seen in Ireland. Our customers have been delighted with the content and fine level of detail contained with our terrain datasets, which enables them to prepare superior project deliverables in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
Used in a range of applications
Our LiDAR survey data has been utilised in an increasingly diverse range of applications including:
- Flood modelling and alleviation planning
- Urban planning including 3D-modelling
- Line of sight and visual impact applications
- Renewable energy schemes including wind and solar farm planning
- Biomass calculations
- Engineering studies for road, rail and overhead line planning and grid connections
- Archaeological studies
- Forest management
- Wireless propagation planning for mobile communications networks
- Coastal erosion investigations
- Geological assessments and mineral exploration
- Volumetric calculations
Bluesky’s Optech Galaxy sensor has a high pulse repetition rate, fully programmable field of view, the latest GPS technology, and a wide acquisition envelope, providing for the ultimate solution for a host of data requirements. We are capable of acquiring terrain data at a resolution and accuracy unmatched by any rival sensor. Our sensor can acquire LiDAR in excess of 25ppm from a fixed wing platform, and data is regularly captured at accuracies better than +/-50mm. Additionally, all our aircraft, and our experienced flight operations team, are on standby 24/7 all year round, ensuring we are in prime position to meet any data capture window. acquisition is ground truthed by one of our expert surveyors, ensuring that the accuracy of all the data created has been verified against its real-world values.
[caption id="attachment_42847" align="alignleft" width="663"]

3d-modelling project central Dublin[/caption]
Bluesky aerial LiDAR data can be used in conjunction with a range of other geospatial datasets which are now readily available from our growing Irish archive these include photogrammetric DTM/DSMs and high quality orthophotography. Bluesky is committed to and fully expects to have compete coverage of orthophotography over the Republic of Ireland by the end of 2018.
Bluesky’s specially equipped survey aircraft will continue to operate throughout Ireland during the spring and summer of 2018 collecting both new LiDAR and orthophotography.
All of our Geospatial products can be acquired directly via Bluesky’s Ireland office or via our online Mapshop which can be accessed via
*some data is subject to third-party approval.