Dimplex A-Class is our innovative range of class-leading air source heat pumps. Designed specifically for the Irish market, Dimplex A-Class is not just any new heat pump. Offering market leading efficiency with seasonal performance figures comparable with ground source units, even in the midst of Irish winter temperatures, A-Class sets a whole new benchmark for air source technology.
Building regulations- Part L compliance is easy with Dimplex
With the Part L Regulations (2011) requiring energy performance standards to be approximately 60% better than those of 2005, the Dimplex A-Class heat pump offers a one stop solution to meet Part L of the building regulations. The Dimplex A-Class heat pump can be applied to all house types and provides domestic hot water and space heating at the lowest possible cost, helping you to save on annual heating bills.

A-Class heat pump features:
- Three models with nominal heating capacities from 8-16kW, single phase;
- Outstanding performance with COPs (Coefficient of Performance) of up to 4.7;
- Provides 100 per cent of hot water without an immersion;
- Operational with external air temperatures from -20°C to +35°C;
- Optimised inverter-driven compressor, providing variable output levels and low starting current;
- Supplied complete with wall-mounted heating system controller;
- Easy access to electrical and plumbing connections for ease of installation;
- Designed to work efficiently with underfloor heating, Dimplex SmartRad or conventional radiators;
- Available in system packages with A-Class cylinders/buffer tanks and controls, and ancillaries for ease of specification and installation.
DEAP benefits
The Dwellings Energy Assessment Procedure (DEAP) is the official Irish methodology for calculating the energy performance of a dwelling. DEAP consists of a software tool and an associated guidance manual and is a key component of the Irish Building Energy Rating (BER) scheme. DEAP is also the compliance tool specified in Part L of the Irish Building Regulations and is used to determine if a building meets the current regulations.

DEAP benefits using the Dimplex A-Class Heat Pump:
- As the unit is capable of achieving above 60°C in the Domestic Hot Water (DHW) cylinder we can utilise the efficiency adjustment factor of 0.7 for water heating, based on the total Seasonal Performance Factor (SPF) of 398 per cent;
- We recommend using U Values at back stop values to aid compliance which is inevitably cheaper for the builder;
- The units will help meet compliance without the need for additional renewable technology such as solar thermal or PV;
- Depending on the U value quality throughout the build and the overall specification, the units can achieve A3 ratings on their own or A2 ratings with the use of a wood burning stove.
Heating made simple with intuitive set-up and controls
The A-Class Controller runs the complete home heating system: the A-Class heat pump, room and water temperatures, as well as timings in up to four heating zones.
There’s no need for a separate heating thermostat which reduces system costs – this intelligent controller automatically uses the lowest possible amount of energy to deliver target temperatures. And lower energy consumption means lower running costs.
The large user interface with clear menu icons, and an intuitive rotate and push control button, make the system simple to use for the installer and homeowner alike. Plus, it comes preconfigured with all default settings, so minimal system set-up is required, helping to make installation fast and efficient.
For installers there is a dedicated password protected installer area which is used to commission the heat pump and to make refinements after installation. For the homeowner, the user interface is laid out to enable temperature and timing adjustments to be made with ease.
For more information please: call +353 1 842 4833, email sales@dimpco.ie or visit