When working on an upgrade or new-build project, deciding upon the most efficient and reliable heating system is a priority. There are many factors to consider when selecting a heating system, and correctly sized heating technologies are essential to ensure comfortable, efficient and affordable heating for the property owner.
Barry Guinan, technical engineer, Grant Engineering, outlines below the importance of ensuring a heating system is correctly sized by specialists and the repercussions property owners could face if sizing isn’t taken into careful consideration.
Heat loss calculations
“At Grant we like to ensure our customers and service network of engineers, plumbers and installers are well aware of the importance of correctly sizing heating systems for the individual property. To begin the sizing process, it is essential that heat loss calculations are carried out by specialists like the Grant technical team.
"Using house plans, technical specialists can carry out room by room heat loss calculations in line with SR:50 requirements. This information provides the heat load requirement for each room and helps to prove compliance with Part L of the building regulations and calculate the heat pump output, the hot water demands and underfloor heating and/or radiators for the property.

"While some may assume a bigger main heat source will result in a more effective heating system, even when the correct heat load has been accurately calculated, this in fact is untrue.
"A heating system that has not been sized in line with a property’s requirements is most likely to produce inconsistent heat using more energy, leading to increased heating bills, reduced efficiency, potential maintenance issues and the heating system not living up to expectations.
Upgrading a heating system
"When upgrading a heating system, it is important for installers and engineers to consider the age of the current system and the property’s structural and aesthetic features before deciding on the size of the new heat source.
"Although it may seem like a logical approach, it is not recommended to use an old boiler as a size guide for the new system as newer units are much more energy efficient than their older counterparts.
"In addition, it is wise to consider the features within the property like insulation levels and double glazing, as these will help to preserve heat. These factors should all be taken in to account when sizing a heating system.
"As well as the main heat source, installers must also consider the sizing of other components of the central heating system like hot water cylinders and heat emitters, to ensure they too are tailored to the needs of the homeowner and their property.
Professionally designed
"At Grant we believe it is of high importance to have a property’s heating system professionally designed which is why we offer a free of charge heating design service for properties considering heat pump installation.
"Our team will work alongside the appointed BERs, specifiers, engineers, installers, electricians, suppliers and builders to deliver a smart, bespoke heating system, consisting of correctly sized heating technologies, designed with the unique needs of the property and property owner in mind.”
It is essential that heating technologies are correctly sized to ensure a highly efficient heating solution for the property. Learn more about Grant’s free of charge heating design service by downloading Grant’s guide to heating a new build home.
Visit www.grant.eu for more information on Grant’s range of innovative heating solutions. Follow Grant on Facebook and Twitter @GrantIRL or Instagram @Grant_IRL.