The Lighting Showcase at the SEAI Energy Show will highlight wellbeing, energy efficiency and aesthetics, and the event takes place at the RDS, Dublin, from April 1-2.
Lighting is long since acknowledged as a critical factor in people’s lives. However, its significance in terms of wellbeing, health, task-performance and reaction to our spatial surroundings is now even more to the fore.
Lighting technology is developing at a phenomenal rate.
To showcase these pioneering developments, the Lighting Association Ireland (LAI) will present a programme of practical demonstrations and seminars at the SEAI Energy Show from April 1-2. LAI represents all the leading lighting suppliers in Ireland and is recognised as the voice of the industry.
What can visitors expect?
- A Lighting Pavilion with dynamic, purpose-designed lighting demonstrations illustrating a number of key innovative concepts.
- A showcase of lighting products and systems by exhibitors.
- A seminar programme on emergency lighting and the single light regulation.
Lighting demonstrations
Intelligent lighting control display
The right light in the right amount at the right place – this saves energy and creates an individual level of lighting comfort that promotes a feeling of wellbeing.
luxCONTROL components from Tridonic provide the basis for innovative and tailor-made lighting solutions in which maximum energy efficiency is combined with optimum functionality for the specific application.
Task-specific lighting management display
With luxCONTROL all the lighting tasks are performed with the versions that are ecologically, economically and functionally the most attractive.
Tried and tested DSI technology (Digital Serial Interface) and the DALI interface protocol (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) offer impressive flexibility – from individual intelligent luminaires and large room installations, to lighting concepts for buildings that can even be linked to emergency lighting systems to provide a total package.
Wireless Tetris technology display
The Tetris Constructible Light is an interlocking light with seven interlocking pieces that can be stacked in any combination. This fun, neon and modern light turns on when the pieces are stacked together and it turns off when dissembled.
Smart City public lighting display
This is a Smart City demonstration using the Signify 'City Touch' software along with five street light luminaires. The demo will illustrate the functionality of the software and the possibilities of the technology in street, car park, outdoor site settings.
LabSpion light measurement display
The Viso LabSpion light measurement system enables the measurement of any light source quickly, e.g.luminous flux in lumen, light intensity in candela, light efficiency in lumen per watt, beam angle, CRI and colour temperature. A working model will be on display. See also
Lighting seminars
1.) Emergency Lighting Seminar Andy Guest, membership services manager, Lighting Industry Association, UK, will present an overview of the legislation around emergency lighting and product compliance.
As with all lighting products, emergency lighting is subject to the requirements of much legislation. While many installers focus on the installation aspects, the product they install are critical and if not compliant the whole installation may be compromised.
2.) Single Light Regulation Seminar Ourania Georgoutsakou, secretary general, LightingEurope, Europe’s voice of the lighting industry, will present on EU General Lighting Legislation and the Eco Design Directive.
Lighting products come with energy labels and information printed on the product. The rating system ranges from A++ (the most efficient) to E (the least efficient).
From September 1, 2021, the existing rules will be repealed and replaced by new energy labelling requirements for light sources under Regulation on energy labelling for light sources (EU) 2019/2015.
Other features on offer at the Show include seminars on NZEB and high performance buildings, meet the expert area, EV test drives, retrofit best practice demos and lots of networking opportunities.
To register for the SEAI Energy Show and book your place on a lighting seminar, visit