Awards showcase excellence in sustainable energy and meaningful climate action, and the winners will be named at an awards ceremony in October.
Glasport Bio, NUI Galway and the International Energy Research Centre (IERC) are among the shortlisted finalists in the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Energy Awards 2020.
The annual awards recognise and reward excellence in sustainable energy in business, communities, research, buildings, renewables and the public sector.
Twenty-four applicants across eight categories have been shortlisted, with the winners to be selected by a VIP judging panel in the coming weeks. Winners will be named at the awards ceremony in mid-October.
Innovative sustainable energy solutions
The successful finalists were chosen for their innovative sustainable energy solutions and for inspiring energy action among colleagues and peers.
Glasport Bio, NUI Galway, and the IERC are finalists in the Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation category with the winner set to receive a €10,000 bursary.
Galway based SME, Glasport Bio is an example of demonstrated innovation arising from excellent research. Its innovative solution aims to deliver increased renewable energy potential in the anaerobic digestion process, coupled with significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from treated agricultural wastes. In the future, Glasport Bio plans to explore the application of this technology in other organic waste materials.
Energy intensive aeration process
NUI Galway’s VorTech technology has the potential to transform the energy intensive aeration process of wastewater treatment plants both in Ireland and internationally.
The patented VPA (Vortex Powered Aerator) technology has the potential to provide significant energy savings combined with hydropower energy generation.
IERC, a collaborative research centre based in the Tyndall National Institute at University College Cork, is a finalist in the Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation category for their StoreNet project.
This project, in partnership with Solo Energy, ESB Networks and Electric Ireland, includes 20 residential properties located in the Dingle peninsula, Co Kerry.
Renewably generated electricity
It is a concrete example of how the future of the electricity grid could look – incorporating, storing, and effectively managing renewably generated electricity, delivering the stored energy to consumers, and serving the needs of the grid.
Congratulating all the entrants, Fergus Sharkey, head of business and public sector with SEAI, said: “This year, despite the obvious challenges that each of you faced, you continued in your commitment and passion for sustainable energy and climate action.
"Each year we are blown away by the quality of entries to the SEAI Energy Awards and this year has proved no different. We received 125 entries from businesses, communities, and organisations across the country who are leading the charge, reshaping our communities and businesses, and inspiring each and every one of us through their action.”
This year’s categories are: Large Business – Exemplary Energy Management; Small and Medium Business – Exemplary Energy Performance; Public Sector – Energy Leadership; Inspirational Energy Community; Energy in Buildings; Innovative Deployment of Renewable Energy; Energy Manager or Team of the Year; and Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation. The latter winner will receive a €10,000 bursary.
Other finalists
- Energy Team/ Manager of the Year; Astellas Ireland Kerry Plant, Ian O’Connor (John Sisk & Sons) and Johnson & Johnson
- Large Business; Danone Wexford, Wyeth Nutritionals, and Boston Scientific
- Small and Medium Business; SOLA Energy Solutions, Finian O’Harte Poultry, and Terra Spirits & Liqueurs
- Public Sector; Dublin City Council, NUI Galway and Ervia Business Services
- Inspirational Energy Community; Lárionad Acmhainní Nádúrtha CTR, Dunleer Sustainable Energy Community and Leitrim Cróga (Ballinaglera SEC)
- Energy in Buildings; The Cosgrave Group, ESB, and SSE Airtricity Energy Services
- Innovative Deployment of Renewable Energy; Aurivo Consumer Foods, Green Generation and Energia
For more information on the SEAI Energy Awards 2020 and full details on the finalist’s projects, visit