Hanley Energy provides precision timing for accurate power loss event recording, which helps to minimise cost and time of recovery after a power system event. In doing so, the Irish company uses Sequence of Events Recorders (SERs) to monitor and record status changes of inputs from equipment such as automatic transfer switches, switchgear breakers and uninterrupted power systems.
This provides the confidence to know the system is operating exactly as designed and if any changes occur over time, threatening system stability.
Know what happened and why
What about when a power event happens? When the lights go out, understanding the root cause of the issue and how it cascaded in the system is paramount to getting things back up and running as soon as possible.
Hanley Energy’s Sequence of Event Recorder captures the power incident in detail from the first event to the last in precise order, so you have the information you need to take decisive action quickly and reduce the effect of the power outage.
In complex electrical networks, state changes can occur quickly, thus system-wide clock synchronisation and precision time stamped data is needed for meaningful data analysis.
Hanley Energy provides accurate event recording to 1 millisecond. This data is easily integrated into any EPMS system for enhanced analysis allowing for quicker recovery, as well as preventing possible future recurrences.
Ensuring reliable power for data centres
The ability to move from normal to stand-by power seamlessly is essential for every data centre. Regular testing of these systems increases the profitability of identifying reliability issues and reduces risks of losing emergency power.
Verifying that these systems are running properly with accurate time stamping whenever there is a scheduled or unscheduled switch from utility to back up power, provides the confidence to know the system is operating exactly as designed or if changes occur to the equipment over time, threatening system stability.
Whether its event reconstruction, post event analysis or detailed reporting of switching to backup systems, the top data centres trust Hanley Energy to help ensure the reliability, efficiency and safety of normal and emergency power systems.
To learn more about SER in Data Centres, visit: https://www.hanleyenergy.com/sequence-of-events-recording/
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