Controlling the heating system within a property has just got easier thanks to the launch of Grant’s neoApp. Used to remotely control a heating system, the Neo is one of the most flexible Smart Room Thermostat solutions on the market today and can be linked with a Homekit, Google Home or Alexa.
When paired to the neoHub, neoStats can be controlled by the neoApp, which is available on iOS and Android devices. The neoApp is designed to work perfectly with the neoHub system, together they offer an advanced heating control solution that is perfect for modern property owners with ‘on-the-go’ lifestyles.
The neoApp supports multi locations and multi users, enabling property owners to share full or restricted access to the neo system and control the central heating system from wherever they are.
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Having the ability to control a heating system from any location is vital in maximising a property’s energy efficiency. To ensure an environmentally friendly performance, the neo system and app include built in geo location technology.
This technology ensures that users never waste energy in heating an empty property, by automatically reducing the temperature when a property is empty and increasing the temperature when its occupants return.
Offering underfloor heating and radiator control, the slim and stylish neoStat’s within the neoHub system can be paired with Grant Uflex underfloor heating and the Grant Afinia radiator range to offer a property owner a highly efficient, smart heating system.
Grant’s Afinia aluminium radiators are a great choice to heat individual rooms within a property as these modern heat emitters can efficiently distribute heat, whilst offering versatility to support the overall design and architecture of the space.
The Grant Uflex underfloor heating system has been developed to heat larger, more open planned spaces. When choosing to install underfloor heating, homeowners will benefit from consistent heating, dispersed evenly throughout the property, whilst being completely hidden from view. The Grant neoApp can control all aspects of the Uflex and Afinia’s heat distribution throughout a home, at just the touch of a button.

“We have launched the neoApp to enable property owners to have maximum control over their heating systems, said Barry Gorman, national renewable sales manager at Grant.
"The neoApp represents another step forward in our mission to achieve decarbonisation due its ability to control efficiency levels within a property, which will result in a highly efficient heating system for the homeowner and lower annual energy bills.”
Grant’s innovative range of highly efficient heating technologies offer a one stop solution to achieve a comfortable, sustainable and cost-effective way to heat properties throughout Ireland.
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Think Heating. Think Grant.