Engineers Ireland has worked closely with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to identify new routes for Engineers Ireland members seeking inclusion on the SEAI Register of Energy Auditors. In June, Engineers Ireland launched its first Certified Energy Auditor course delivered by Ian Boylan, director of target energy and past president of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). Completing the course and passing the exam is a method to achieve one of the energy professional qualifications required in order to be added to the register as an approved energy auditor with SEAI.

Importance of Ireland having highly qualified and competent energy auditors

The importance of ensuring Ireland has highly qualified and competent energy auditors is stressed by Jim Gannon, CEO of SEAI: “From SEAI’s perspective, what we really need to do is make sure there is a supply chain there so that the industries not only get a qualifying audit, but a good audit that genuinely helps them to reduce their energy consumption and decarbonise. "So linking in with Engineers Ireland to make sure that pipeline is there with qualified and competent individuals is very, very important – for us and for Ireland.” Engineers Ireland has also developed an initiative to support members who can demonstrate the required experience to apply for a direct route to the Certified Energy Manager examination. For Engineers Ireland members who believe they meet the required levels of experience and training (click here for full SEAI qualification requirements) and are looking for a direct route to the Certified Energy Manager examination, an application can be made via Engineers Ireland to AEE Irish Chapter for consideration.

'A very vibrant energy and environment division'

Caroline Spillane, director general, Engineers Ireland, emphasised how fortunate we are to have a very vibrant energy and environment division, chaired by David Sutton of Grant Thornton; she said "they have helped us in the creation of these initiatives to further support our members working in the energy sector". When speaking about what this means for Engineers Ireland members, she said: “Specifically how this will help our members in the energy sector is it will help them to become registered with the SEAI Energy Register which is an achievement for them but it also gives them recognition for a pathway and a qualification.” For further information on the routes to the SEAI Register of Energy Auditors, please contact the CPD Training Team at: 01 665 1305 or email: Our next Certified Energy Auditor course will take place in December. Full details can be found here. To watch the full interview between Caroline Spillane, director general, Engineers Ireland; Jim Gannon, CEO, SEAI; David Sutton, chair of the energy and environment committee; and Ian Boylan, trainer, please click here.