Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten TD, has announced €8 million in government funding to support 45 innovative energy projects in companies and research institutions across Ireland.

Projects range in duration from one to four years

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) is responsible for awarding the funding to the 45 projects which aim to develop solutions that will help our homes, businesses and communities deliver a cleaner energy future. The projects range in duration from one to four years. Minister Denis Naughten TD said: “Research and innovation are central pillars of the government’s National Energy and Climate Plan. I have secured increased levels of funding for investment in energy research through SEAI. I am determined to see this fund grow significantly over the coming years to develop innovative solutions. "This type of government funding significantly helps businesses and research institutions in the energy sector in Ireland to conduct world class research that will create jobs, build capacity and support innovation in clean energy.” Discussing the funding programme, Jim Gannon, CEO of SEAI said: “New solutions and new technologies are central to achieving a sustainable energy future for Ireland. With direct involvement from industry, academia and local enterprises, the 45 projects we are funding will deliver real solutions to problems that the energy sector is facing today. "These projects will facilitate innovation in the energy market, inform policy, and develop the technical solutions we need to create a thriving and efficient clean energy sector.”

Effectiveness of ventilation systems in A-rated energy efficient homes

A project led by Dr Miriam Byrne in NUI Galway is among those to receive funding. Working in collaboration with researchers in University College Dublin (UCD), the NUIG team, are investigating the effectiveness of ventilation systems in A-rated energy efficient homes. Good ventilation is critical for a healthy home. The study will monitor air quality in 100 A-rated homes and assess the comfort and satisfaction of homeowners. The largest developer and operator of renewable generation in Ireland; SSE Airtricity working with CeADAR (Centre for Advanced Data Analytics Research) at UCD, will employ state of the art Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimise renewable energy producers forecasting ability. The aim of the project is to reduce volatility in the wholesale energy market making it more cost effective for renewable energy producers to participate and ultimately lower energy prices for consumers. A collaborative project involving; Gas Networks Ireland, IFA, ICMAS, Teagasc, and a number of other community groups, local authorities and academics, plans to develop a model for regional anaerobic digester (AD) clusters. If successful the model will facilitate access to the gas network and diversify income streams for farmers. To find out more about SEAI’s research funding go to The 2019 SEAI RD&D Funding Programme Call will open for applications in Quarter 4 2018.