Professional Diploma in Leadership

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Organisation profile

Crystal Lean Solutions (CLS) is a leading Lean service provider supporting customers in Ireland, UK, and Europe within the Medical Device, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Electronics, Construction and Software sectors. Our aim is “to develop peoples' capability in Lean Thinking to systematically deliver results by making your job easier". We believe in delivering nothing short of the highest level of professionalism in all our relationships with customers, employees, associates and our environment.

Training aim

The aim of the programme is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively lead teams with both self-awareness and recognition of individual and team dynamics.  Key aims of the programme include: 

  • Develop leadership skills to successfully manage engaged and trusting teams to deliver business objectives.
  • Empower you to confidently manage teams resulting in high performance teams engrained in the business.  
  • Embed fundamentals of great conversations and great communication into future leader skillsets  

Learning objectives

At the end of the programme, you will be able to:

  • Effectively and collaboratively lead a team to meet the organisations’ purpose driven goals while always demonstrating organisational values.
  • Optimise decision making to deliver both team and individual goals, aligned with strategic goals and objectives.
  • With the self-awareness of your own personality preferences and influencing style, adapt and effectively lead within changing environments with empathy while delivering effective decision making.
  • Deliver memorable and high impact communication and presentations.
  • Lead teams with a heightened awareness and understanding of team dynamics and manage negative conflict situations.
  • Be self-aware of your own influencing and personality preferences to maximise the outcome of every conversation.
  • Apply the GROW coaching model to develop your team’s capability.

Course outline

Day 1 Leadership & Management Styles

  • Purpose: Company vision, strategic goals, values, and behaviours and why does a leader need to know about these?
  • What do Leaders and Managers really do?
  • Skills of effective leaders and managers and how do they differ? 
  • Employee engagement
  • Introduction to the Situational Leadership® Model
  • How and when to adopt to each leadership style
  • Recognising how your Myer Briggs personality preferences can complement or contrast with each style.

Day 2 Coaching and Influencing to Maximise every interaction

  • Effectively Influence: 
    • What is your social style preference and how to communicate with the different social styles.
    • 5 Influencing styles
  • Coaching: How to bring the best out of your team through constructive open questions, active listening and “helpful coaching” and the GROW model
  • Decision making How to make effective decisions using the Z Model

Day 3 Organising and Executing for Success

  • Alignment to the Overall Goal
    • Introduction to the measures that matter and bringing them to life in your business.
    • How to have a purpose focus 1:1 conversation with your team
  • Effective Time Management – Being busy versus delivering value
    • Time Management: Get the most out of week with time management skills, leader standard work and avoid “death by meeting”
    • What steals your time – the 8 wastes and how to overcome
    • SCRUM Board – “No matter what” weekly priorities and commitments using Microsoft Teams

Day 4 Presentation and Communication Skills

  • Designing a highly effective presentation
    • Understand your audience and their requirements.
    • Identify key Objectives of your presentation.
    • Designing your presentation – beginning, middle and end
    •  Building clear and simple PowerPoint slides that support you when delivering presentation.
    • Key skills to design an impactful presentation.
    • Using language to create impact.
    • Developing visual aids.
  • Deliver highly effective presentation.
    • Connecting with your audience – audience perception
    • Building confidence – voice, language, and words you use
    • Using your body language, voice, and language for maximum impact
    • Choosing the right language and approach for different parts of your presentation
    • Managing nerves
    • Use of presentation aids
    • Dealing with difficult questions

Day 5 Bringing the Best out of your Team

  • Supporting your Teams
    • Teams and Team Dynamics
    • Key drivers of a productive team (linking to previous day’s content)
    • Tuckman’s 5 stages of Team Building 
    • Lencioni’s The 6 types of Working Genius
    • Which working Genius are you?
  • Conflict Management
    • Managing conflict and consideration to Myer Briggs personality preferences and influencing styles
    • Feedback processes: Constructive, Developmental, and positive feedback processes and framework

Day 6 Adapting and Coping to Change

  • The Change Process
    • Kubler-Ross The Change Curve – 4 phases of change
    • Managing through the change phases and the role of the Leader
    • Fight or Flight – recognition and management of physical impact of changes
    • Communication, communication, communication
    • Influencing using Merrill and Reid 4 Social styles 
  • Self-Awareness through Emotional Intelligence
    • What is emotional intelligence?
    • The 5 phases of emotional intelligence 
    • How to utilise EI when adapting and coping with change

Trainer's profile

Maria Ryan has nearly 30 Years-Experience in Design, Manufacture and Consultancy and brings a tremendous energy to Lean and Six Sigma training and deployment. Maria has presented at conferences across Ireland including topic round “Change Management", “Hoshin Planning", “Human Error", “Lean in Construction” and "Problem Solving". Maria has co-authored two papers on the “Last Planner System” and presented at the IGLC conference in 2019. She has led two project teams on behalf of the LCi, including project leader for the LCi Lean Pass program. Maria has supported LeanStart, LeanPlus and LeanTransform programs.

Chris Dawkins has over 30 years- experience in various roles in industry, including Process Excellence Manager in ABB Pumps and Quality Manager in Cartamundi. Chris has a passion for continuous improvement and supporting the team to learn and develop. Aligned with his general Lean experience, Chris core competencies include management of projects using SCRUM methodology and Human Error prevention. Chris has presented at conferences with topics including Human Error Prevention and Lean in Manufacturing and led workshops for the WIT MSE while working in Cartamundi Ireland Ltd. Chris was also a project team member for the development of the LCi Lean Pass program.

With nearly 30 years’ experience, Christy Murphy has in-depth knowledge of Lean and Six Sigma deployment within multinational organisations. Christy has direct hands-on experience of Lean deployment managing both LeanPlus and LeanTransform programs for clients, resulting in the transformation of business at the bottom line. Christy is a leading consultant in construction and has published and presented paper “Integrated Testing System for UHP Gas Valve Manufacture” at the International Conference for Production Research and co-authored two papers on the “Last Planner System". He has also managed workshops for both the South West Lean Forum and South East Lean Forum and has presented on other Lead topics including Human Error.

Brigid McNamara is a Six Sigma Blackbelt and Lean Operational Excellence Expert, with over 25 years' experience deploying Lean and Six Sigma methodologies within various industries. Examples include: Pharmaceutical, High Volume Manufacturing and Aerospace sectors, performing roles in Manufacturing & Production Engineering, Six Sigma Blackbelt, Production Management, Project Management, and Continuous Improvement and Operational Excellence Management. Brigid passionately believes that the key to success is all about sharing our knowledge, learning from our mistakes, and creating an open learning environment where people feel empowered to take ownership of their own processes and improvement ideas.  

Course duration

6 Days (classroom-based)

Assessment & certification

There are 6 assignments to complete for certification. Details of assignments are outlined below.

  • Assignment 1: Compare and Contrast the 4 different situational leadership styles and identify which ones your manager has utilised while managing you and critique impact on you as an employee.
  • Assignment 2: Compare and Contrast your influencing style with someone different to your own and identify how you would modify your style to influence a positive outcome while utilising elements of the coaching model.
  • Assignment 3: Develop a scorecard, calendar using time management principles, kanban board to deliver the commitments for next week and leader standard work week to protect your “no matter what” activities.
  • Assignment 4 Preparation and Delivery of a Presentation
    • Delivery a presentation including
    • Select a Presentation Topic
    • Design the Presentation
    • Prepare for the Delivery of the Presentation
  • Assignment 5: Complete a constructive feedback conversation using one of the frameworks provided and reflect on the process – what worked well, what didn’t work well and what did you learn from the process.
  • Assignment 6: Complete Reflection Log

Upon successful completion of the above, learners will obtain a certificate of achievement in Crystal Lean Solutions 'Leadership Development Programme'

Who should attend

The Lean in Construction Green Belt programme is aimed at all personnel that lead small to medium improvement teams, and who work continuously to improve the business processes. The programme would especially suit:

  • Contract managers
  • Procurement personnel
  • Project managers
  • Quality Assurance
  • Quantity surveyors
  • Engineering and design personnel
