General readiness and financial support

In September 2020, the Government published the Brexit Readiness Action Plan setting out the steps that businesses and individuals needed to take to be ready for the end of the Transition Period (available here).

The main sections of interest for engineers are:

  • Trade in Goods
  • Trade in Services
  • Connectivity, Transport and Travel

The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation’s Getting Your Business Brexit Ready page can be found here. This includes sectoral information on Construction and Manufacturing. Businesses and consumers who are concerned about Brexit and what it may mean for them are encouraged to visit where there is a range of practical information on how to get prepared. @BrexitReadyIRL is the main Government Twitter account for updates.

There are many supports available through the Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs), Enterprise Ireland, InterTradeIreland and Skillnet Ireland, to help businesses examine their Brexit exposure, seek advice, avail of customs training and make plans to protect their business.