Here you will find the different kinds of membership fees that can be applied for, along with the details to see which one suits your situation.
*The below rates are from January 2025.
Chartered Engineer
Associate Engineer
Engineering Technician
Retired (over 60 years)
Job seeker
Postgraduate (full time)
Once a student member has graduated, they must move on to a full membership with the following graduate membership rates applied:
EU Directive application fee
Assessment interview fee
Report reassessment fee
Assessment Fee
FEANI registration
International register
Mutual Recognition Agreement Applications
Administration fee*
25% of fee
* Administration fee applies to applications that are withdrawn prior to final decision on the application.
Review phase
Phase 1 Experiential Learning
Phase 2 Competence Assessment
Chartered Environmentalist
Engineering Technican
Please note: If you are a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), please call our Professional Subscriptions team to learn about the discounts available. You will need to provide proof of valid membership with IEEE.
Note: If you are job seeking or on a reduced working week/salary, postgraduate (full time), on unpaid maternity leave, extended sick leave etc., you can apply for a reduced subscription for this member year.
Please download and complete the below form to apply. Completed forms should be emailed to