Our Customer Service Standards
Contact standards
We will: be polite and friendly, communicating in an open, honest and clear way.
Our face to face standards
We will: attend to you promptly at our office where an appointment has been mutually agreed in advance.
We will: ensure you can identify us through our Engineers Ireland staff member badge.
Our telephone standards
We will: answer the phone promptly, stating our name clearly.
We will: transfer you no more than once when handling a call coming through from reception. If this is not possible we will take your name and full contact details and revert back to you with the information you required.
We will: respond within 2 working days to voicemails received.
Our written standards
We will: acknowledge all written correspondence requiring a response, including e-mails, within 3 working days.
We will: provide a response, including contact details, to all written correspondence, where required, within 10 working days.
Your feedback and suggestions
We welcome all ideas and comments. Please provide your full contact details on all correspondence.