Engineering Careers

What kind of services do you offer?

Jobs Desk where companies can advertise engineering jobs to our members and non-members.

Do I need to be a member of Engineers Ireland to use the Jobs Desk?

No, you don’t need to be a member of Engineers Ireland to use the Jobs Desk. It’s open to the public.

How can I register to use the Jobs Desk?

Complete the form to register as an approved recruiter and a member of our team will review your submission and contact you to confirm your details. You can then buy credit/s online and post the job yourself.

How can I apply for a job?

To can apply for any of the positions that is posted on the Jobs Desk by emailing a Cover Letter and CV to the relevant company.

Where will you advertise my job vacancy?

Your job will feature on our Jobs Desk for a period of 30 days and if you wish to extend it for a longer period you can do so. 

It will also feature in our weekly Engage newsletter until the posting expires.

I’m seeking employment, how can you help me?

Visit our Jobs Desk to view the jobs that are currently advertised. Jobs are posted to the Jobs Desk every other day.

How much do engineers earn?

The Engineers Ireland Salary Survey 2025 presents up-to-date information on engineers' salary levels and employment benefits in Ireland.

The exclusive member-only publication assists members' career progression, providing evidence-based metrics of the trust and value placed on engineers. 

Engineers Ireland
Find a job
Check our jobs desk for the latest available roles within the engineering industry

If you are a member, login to register as a recruiter. If you are a non-member, email our Jobs Desk team for assistance.