Eurocodes Training Courses

Please contact the Team for further information on scheduled course dates and In-Company options. You can reach us by phone: 01 665 1305 or email

Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Introduction to Eurocodes 0 & 1
This course will provide an introduction to Eurocode 0 – I.S.EN 1990 - Basis of Design and Eurocode 1- I.S. EN 1991 – Actions on Structures. It will mainly concentrate on those parts that relate to buildings rather than to bridges. It will refer to links between the various parts of EN 1991 with the Building Regulations and Technical Guidance Documents.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures to Eurocode 2
This course is an introduction to the design of reinforced concrete buildings using Eurocode 2. The basis of design is supplemented with practical worked examples covering the design of the main structural elements. The course will also introduce the topic of sustainability in structural design.
Available as an eLearning course
Design of Steel Structures to Eurocode 3
This course aims to provide candidates with a comprehensive explanation of the background to Eurocode 3 and provide practical worked examples for design of steel elements.
Available as an eLearning course
Design of Timber Structures to Eurocode 5
This course aims to provide candidates with a comprehensive explanation of the background to Eurocode 5 and provide practical worked examples for design of timber elements.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Masonry Design to Eurocode 6
The aim of the course is to equip structural engineers with a basic knowledge of the structural design of masonry to EN 1996.
Available in-company and as an open course - 1 Day
Geotechnical Design to Eurocode 7
The course will present the principles behind the design of geotechnical structures to Eurocode 7 and give examples of designs of foundations, piles, retaining structures and slopes. The course will also discuss possible forthcoming developments to this Eurocode.
Available as an open course - 1 Day
Soil Logging to Eurocode 7
It is normal to expect the soils on your sites to be logged in accordance with the current standards. This course will provide the background to logging materials encountered on site in order that the descriptions are useful, communicable, and accurate. The relevant standards for soil logging are mandatory and so these normative documents are required to be followed.
Available as an open course - 1 Day
Rock Description to Eurocode 7 Workshop
This training course will bring delegates up to speed on the changes within the Standards and provide a detailed approach to rock description practices and techniques.