As part of Engineers Ireland's membership benefits, you will be able to avail of a complimentary place at a CPD webinar series on “Emerging Trends in Engineering”, occurring each quarter, the equivalent of one-day’s CPD, worth €300.
The aim of the webinars is to give precedence to the latest trends developing in the market, as well as the ways in which they can be utilised for engineering projects. Any internet search of Emerging Trends in Engineering will be dominated by the impact digitalisation is having on how we live and work. Such digital trends include Data Analytics, Robotics, Automation, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence.
Moreover, as well as Ireland's agreement on the climate bill, which will see emissions being cut by 51% between 2018 and 2030 and migrating to net zero no later than 2050, the ways in which engineers can filter into this through the circular economy is paramount.