Water Loss and Leakage Management Level One, Two and Three are being offered in February and March online by Engineers Ireland.
Water Loss and Leakage Management Level One starts on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
Water Loss and Leakage Management Level Two starts on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
Water Loss and Leakage Management Level Three starts on Monday, March 24, 2025.
Leakage of water from the network is a serious problem on a national scale and that is reflected in every county across the country.
Irish Water estimates almost half of the water produced is lost due to leakage within our water mains and within customer properties and is undertaking a national investment programme of works to reduce leakage and improve Ireland’s water supply. Reducing leakage will continue to be a key priority for Irish Water in the coming years.
- Water Loss and Leakage Management Level One: This course will provide an introduction to leakage detection, control and management and the relevant technologies used to assist in the process. Trunk main and distribution leakage detection techniques where there is limited metering will also be covered in this course as well as an introduction to asset planning and District Meter Areas (DMA) design.
- Water Loss and Leakage Management Level Two: This level two course on water loss and leakage management will focus on the advanced leakage detection processes and the latest technology available in leakage location. The course will also cover District Meter Areas (DMA) management and how to prioritise which DMAs to work in based on various KPI’s. Level Two Course will be concluded with understanding the constituent components of a water balance and what the results show – these can be used to decide a water loss reduction strategy.
- Water Loss and Leakage Management Level Three: This Level 3 course on water loss management will focus on building a water balance using data collected by the participants prior to the course. Also, there will be a deep dive into the constituent components of Non-Revenue Water, namely Authorised Unbilled Consumption, Apparent Losses and Real Losses. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated that reducing leakage (Real Losses), associated carbon emissions are also reduced thus contributing to a greener environment.
It will be an interactive course where in the second half of the course the participants with the help of the trainers will enter the collected or provided data into a freely available software to calculate the constituent components of the water and carbon balance and the relevant KPIs.
A Data Collection Template will be shared with the participants in advance of the course for relevant data gathering if desired.
To book a place
You can book online using a credit or debit card. If you will be paying by invoice / purchase order / bank transfer, please contact the CPD Training Team to place your booking. You can reach us on 01 665 1305 or email cpdtraining@engineersireland.ie