The Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) has published a new series of online planning leaflets, which were produced by the OPR in conjunction with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. 

The leaflets were formally launched by the Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning, Peter Burke TD.

Further information in relation to the launch is available via the following link

The online planning leaflets are published on the OPR website and may be accessed via this link

The 14 leaflets  

  1. Introducing the Planning System
  2. A Guide to the Development Plan
  3. A Guide to Planning Permission
  4. A Guide to Making a Planning Application
  5. A Guide to Making a Planning Appeal
  6. A Guide to Planning Enforcement in Ireland
  7. A Guide to Applying for Planning Permission to Build a House
  8. A Guide to Doing Work Around the House
  9. Agricultural and Farm Development-The Planning Issues
  10. A Guide to Planning for the Business Person
  11. Environmental Assessments and Planning in Ireland
  12. A Guide to Architectural Heritage
  13. Archaeology in the Planning Process
  14. Strategic Infrastructure Development

The leaflets will be kept under review and updates will be published as necessary to ensure that the information contained therein is current. The OPR is open to considering requests for additional topics if there is feedback to this effect.

The Office of the Planning Regulator was established in April 2019 on foot of recommendations made by the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments (the Mahon Tribunal).

The OPR is an independent oversight body that was established by government to oversee the functioning and policy consistency of Ireland’s planning process to ensure quality outcomes in relation to proper planning and sustainable development.