The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) in collaboration with Institute of Technology Sligo (IT Sligo) have launched two new courses in a bid to try and meet a growing skills shortage in Ireland’s surveying industry. An acute shortage of mechanical and electrical costings experts across the sector was behind the SCSI’s decision. A report by the SCSI found that a shortage of expertise in this skill was among the top three most in demand now and in the future.

Accurate cost planning for mechanical and electrical services

Experience in this area is crucial for surveyors to ensure accurate cost planning for mechanical and electrical services on construction projects. Similarly, the report also highlighted skills shortages in the areas of property services and facilities management. As part of the collaboration the SCSI and IT Sligo will launch two new courses: Postgraduate Certificate in Mechanical & Electrical Quantity Surveying (Level 9), and a Higher Certificate in Property Services & Facilities Management (Level 6). These online courses are aimed particularly at those involved in property and construction sectors to upskill while maintaining their work/life balance. The courses will be delivered primarily online and are designed for those who want to study part time. Áine Myler, director general of the SCSI, said: “Changes to building regulations have increased energy efficiency across commercial and residential buildings, which are requiring more specialist machinery installations.

'Increase earnings potential'

"The demand to be able to advise and budget for these systems has grown significantly and will continue to grow. Professionalising through such advanced qualifications will increase their earnings potential. "The market demand for professionals in construction and property will need to be filled not just by school leavers but turning existing sectoral practitioners into professionals through degree and masters level programmes while they work.” Employers in property agency and management are reporting a significant rise in demand for licensed professionals in estate agency and management. Specific licensing requirements for these professionals means that only those with a particular educational qualification may apply for and deliver property services in the state. The IT Sligo and SCSI online course will provide candidates with a Higher Certificate in Property Services & Facilities Management (Level 6), making them applicable for satisfying licensing requirements. Trevor McSharry, head of the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction from IT Sligo, said: “IT Sligo is delighted to work in partnership with the SCSI. As the national leader in online learning, feedback from our students is extremely positive. "Our delivery model allows full flexibility for people to upskill in their own time and place, while maintaining work and family life commitments without unnecessary travel. "We are committed to the learners on these new programmes, who will be supported by lecturers via our flexible online delivery, which will allow for hands-on engagement in learning while remaining in the workplace. We are very pleased to be providing our expertise in these areas to meet the needs of the surveying industry.” The Higher Certificate in Property Services & Facilities Management is designed to prepare students with knowledge of all factors affecting the property and facilities management profession. Students will develop a keen understanding of the marketplace and a skill-set that will enable them to influence and adapt to changes in the property market as they arise. The course is enrolling from September 2019 and anyone interested is encouraged to apply online at

Adapt to changes in property market

Students will develop a keen understanding of the marketplace and a skill-set that will enable them to influence and adapt to changes in the property market as they arise. In addition, students can also express interest in the Postgraduate Cert in Mechanical & Electrical Quantity Surveying, which will also be delivered on a part-time online basis. This course, which starts in January 2020 can lead to a master's in project management. This course is designed for quantity surveyors, project managers and related professionals who wish to increase their skills in the specialised area of mechanical and electrical quantity surveying. This programme will equip students with a professional understanding of areas such as electrical and mechanical technology and measurement, procurement, BIM, financial and risk management and life cycle cost management, all of which are skills in very high demand in the industry.