Innovative ice-cream serving robot and a student-built Formula race car among the attractions at Engineers Ireland’s exhibition stand at this year’s National Ploughing Championships, taking place at Ratheniska, Co Laois, from September 19-21.

With an ice-cream serving robot, cyclone machine and a Formula Student racing car among the highlights on their stand, the professional body for engineers will provide a central hub for ploughing attendees interested in the future of engineering and innovation to connect at Block 2, Row 23, Stand 357.

One of the star attractions at Engineers Ireland’s stand is ‘ENG-E’, an ice-cream serving robot, who was created specifically for the event by researchers in MTU Kerry, working with Rethinking Engineering Education in Ireland (REEdI) and the applied research centre, Intelligent Mechatronics and RFID (ImaR).

Previously raced at Silverstone

Engineers Ireland will also showcase a Formula Student racing car on site, which previously raced at Silverstone, UK. This car was built by third level students in the Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering programme at TU Dublin and will demonstrate the innovation and creativity which exists in our third-level campuses.

With recent CAO statistics highlighting a 5% increase in interest in engineering and engineering trade courses at third level, Engineers Ireland hopes to further capitalise on student’s interest in a profession which is essential to delivering creative and sustainable solutions for our society.

This upward trend is also supported by Engineers Ireland’s recent report, ‘Engineering 2023: A barometer of the profession in Ireland’, which found that the outlook for recruitment in the sector is positive. 

Of those surveyed for the report, 92% of members of the public said that engineers are highly competent professionals, and a further 70% agreed that engineers are critical to combating climate change and biodiversity loss.

Engineers Ireland president, Dr Edmond Harty, said: “Engineers are critical to our rapidly changing world and are essential to delivering innovation and sustainable solutions for modern society.

"At this year’s National Ploughing Championships, we will be encouraging attendees of all ages to learn more about engineering and the limitless opportunities available in the sector.

The latest in engineering innovation and technology

"Along with our partners in academia, and industry, we will also be showcasing the latest in engineering innovation and technology with hands-on activities and engaging exhibits, while providing career and study advice for our future engineering talent in attendance.”

Damien Owens, director general of Engineers Ireland, added: “More than 26,000 engineers have chosen Engineers Ireland as their professional home, and we want to build on this.

"We will engage visitors at Ploughing Championships on the importance of engineers, showcasing career opportunities and demonstrating fun and interactive examples of engineering excellence. Members of our engineering community are also encouraged to join us at our exhibition stand to engage, connect and avail of our Ploughing Specials, which include CPD, and membership offers.”

Visitors of all ages will also be provided with the opportunity to learn more about the importance of sustainability and innovation, with Engineers Ireland’s cyclone machine.

Attendees will have the opportunity to win STEM prizes and learn more about the fun and engaging activities available through Engineers Ireland’s educational outreach programme, STEPS.

For more information, see: and follow #EngineeringYourFuture on social media.