The NSAI has been making significant progress on construction standards. Engineers Ireland, which is represented on the NSAI Construction Standards Consultative Committee by Murt Coleman, has provided an update of the NSAI National Construction Standardisation Programme to 2021 which was presented to the NSAI/TC 006 Construction Standards Consultative Committee on June 15, 2021.

The construction sector by its nature is dependent on the voluntary standardisation process, nationally and internationally to establish and share best practices and support regulations.

NSAI Standards facilitates experts to participate in standards development at a national and international level and welcomes members of Engineers Ireland to become involved.

“As a member of the above committee on behalf of Engineers Ireland I consider that it is important that members are notified of the progress of the NSAI Standardisation Programme in the construction sector," said Coleman. "The attached document provides an update of the NSAI National Construction Standardisation Programme to 2021. Information on the programme is included below in the attached document as an introduction to provide context to members.”

The construction sector standardisation programme to 2021 and the standardisation database are available on the NSAI website, construction sector webpage. Construction sector standards programme: Construction_stds_prog_final.pdf ( and Construction Standardisation Programme database: Construction Standards | NSAI

NSAI welcome expertise and participation that Engineers Ireland members can provide. Members: Register Your Interest Here | NSAI

Also please note that participation in NSAI or international standards committees facilitated by NSAI, can be redeemed as CPD points for Engineers and certificates are issued accordingly.