Intel has announced the continuation of its partnership with Engineers Ireland’s STEPS programme, Ireland’s only national STEM outreach programme with a focus on engineering. 

L-R: Damien Owens, director general of Engineers Ireland joined Joe English, Intel Ireland Fab34 factory manager, Anne Marie Doyle, Intel Ireland lithography department manager and Joe Bolger, Intel Ireland Fab34 factory manager.

The partnership between Intel and the professional membership body for engineers, will focus on encouraging and inspiring the next generation of STEM talent by collaborating on the Engineers Ireland STEPS programme. STEPS aims to encourage future generations of engineers by supporting industry and community leaders to engage with primary and secondary school pupils through a number of hands-on workshops and programmes. 

The announcement comes ahead of STEPS Engineers Week. Taking place from Saturday, March 4, to Friday, March 10, 2023, the week encourages young people, their teachers and parents to explore the diverse and creative world of engineering and its potential as a career choice.  

Diversity of activities

Since 1989, Intel has invested more than €30bn in Ireland creating the most advanced industrial campus in Europe in Co Kildare. Today, alongside advanced manufacturing, Intel in Ireland has come to represent a diversity of activities across the spectrum of Intel business from cutting-edge research to design.  

Joe English, Intel Ireland Fab34 factory manager, said: “At Intel, we believe that young people are vital to solving global challenges. A solid maths and science foundation coupled with skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving are crucial skills to be nurtured and developed.

"We are very pleased to continue our partnership with the Engineers Ireland STEPS programme, which aims to encourage young people to explore the diverse and exciting world of engineering. We look forward to working with Engineers Ireland to help encourage all young people to embrace STEM subjects and to pursue pathways that can lead to engineering.

“At the core of Intel Ireland is a passion for volunteering and community involvement. We are committed to making a positive impact throughout our local communities and supporting the work of programmes such as STEPS."

STEPS is also funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. 

Damien Owens, director general of Engineers Ireland, added: “Industry involvement is central to the success of our STEPS programme and we are very pleased to partner with Intel once again, to bring the fascinating world of engineering to life in communities throughout Ireland.

Limitless opportunities

"Through our strategic partnership, we can further work together through the STEPS programme to help spark children’s imaginations about STEM and showcase the limitless opportunities a career in engineering can offer.

“As a knowledge-based economy and a small island nation, we have a reliance on the quality and quantity of our STEM graduates. Ireland needs a steady supply of engineers, with the necessary skillset, to boost local economies, create new jobs, facilitate sustainable development, and meet government ambitions.” 

In addition to STEPS Engineers Week, Intel’s continued support of the STEPS programme will help to inspire the next generation of engineering talent in Ireland through a number of additional initiatives aimed at primary and secondary school students. They include:

  1. STEPS Engineering Your Future programme, providing Transition Year Students with an immersive experience amongst engineering academia and organisations. 
  2. STEPS Young Engineers Award, a competition for third and fourth class pupils to find Ireland’s next generation of engineering talent. 
  3. STEPS Engineering Girl Guides and Brownie Badges, an initiative developed with the Irish Girl Guides. 

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