In 2024, 46.9% of net electricity generated in the EU came from renewable energy sources.
Among EU countries, Denmark had the highest share of renewables in its net electricity generation with 88.4%, coming mostly from wind, followed by Portugal (87.5%, mostly wind and hydro) and Croatia (73.7%, mostly hydro).

The lowest shares of renewables were recorded in Luxembourg (5.1%), Malta (15.1%) and Czechia (15.9%).
In Ireland, a little more than 46% of electricity came from renewable sources in 2024.

Wind and hydro power accounted for more than two-thirds of the total electricity generated from renewable sources (39.1% and 29.9% respectively). The remaining one-third of electricity came from solar (22.4%), combustible fuels (8.1%) and only around 0.5% from geothermal energy.