The Statement of Strategic Intent 2021 – 2023 which is now accessible to view here is intended to guide and inspire our members and our staff as well as our partners in industry, academia and policy with whom we collaborate.


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Our members are central to what we do and in planning for the next three years, it is our institution’s ambition to strengthen our role as their professional development body through five strategic themes:

1. Grow and diversify

2. Influence for impact

3. Drive standards and innovation

4. Champion sustainability

5. Strengthen our people, finance and technology

The six programme areas below present how the institution intends to progress its Core Work (as set out in our Bye-laws and Charter).

These work areas have been developed following consultation with:

  • Our members
  • The Council of Engineers Ireland and its Executive Board
  • Our Liaison Committee
  • Our Sectors – Regional branches, Engineering divisions and Societies

The six programme areas of work, 2021-2023, are:

  1. Quality assurance of the Professional Formation of engineers
  2. Growing and diversifying membership
  3. Award of Titles signifying attainment of qualifications, skills, experience and training
  4. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to ensure competence
  5. Advocacy for the Profession; its contribution to social, environmental and economic development
  6. Safeguarding Professional Standards in the public interest

The Statement has been informed by a review of progress and performance against the outgoing Strategic Plan (2017 – 2020) as well as an internal organisational analysis and an examination of the significant external environmental factors which could impact the institution.

This research has been combined with findings from an in-depth consultation process involving the Council of Engineers Ireland, Executive Board, staff, members and important stakeholders, including the general public, which helped to test and refine the ideas.