Environment Ireland® is Ireland’s major environmental policy and management conference. Now in its 19th year, this two-day event features a range of focused sessions highlighting the pressing issues facing the environment in Ireland and further afield.
Ensure you don’t miss the latest developments in environmental policy and updates from across the sector and put your questions to expert speakers during dedicated Q&A sessions. This is an important opportunity to bring all those involved in shaping the future of Ireland’s environment together for two days of discussion and insight.

Key themes covered:
- Policy update and Ministerial address
- Circular economy and resource efficiency
- Climate action
- Sustainability
- Public health
- Biodiversity
- Water
- Planning and the environment

Key speakers include:
- Ossian Smyth TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Communications and Circular Economy
- Florika Fink-Hooijer, Director-General of the Environment Department, European Commission
- Antoine Oger, Head of Programme on Global Challenges and SDGs, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
- Laura Curtis-Moss, Director, 2050 Climate Group Scotland
- Anthony Costello, Chair, Lancet Countdown for Climate and Health Action
- Imelda Hurley, CEO, Coillte
- Anja Murray, Ecologist
- Niall Ó Donnchú, Director General, National Parks and Wildlife Service
- Mike Savage, Green Infrastructure Project Development Officer, Derry City and Strabane District Council
- Lorraine Bull, Biodiversity Officer, Dublin City Council
- David Greenfield, Vice President, Circular Economy Institute
- Venkatesh Kannan, Technical Manager, Irish Centre of High End Computing
- Peter McEvoy, Director of Land Management, Ulster Wildlife
- Eimear Montague, Executive Director, Northern Ireland Resources Network
- Frank O’Mara, Director, Teagasc
- Caoimhe Donnelly, Chief Sustainability Officer, CIÉ Group
- Kevin Hegarty, Director of Green Growth and Climate Action, DAERA
- Lucy Gaffney, Platform Development Lead, Business for Biodiversity Ireland
- Stephen Onakuse, Senior Lecturer, University College Cork
- Triona McGrath, Research and Policy Lead, An Fóram Uisce – The Water Forum
- Susan Hegarty, Associate Professor, DCU School of History and Geography
- Adrian Smyth, Development Officer – Biodiversity, National Federation of Group Water Schemes
- Tasman Crowe, Vice President for Sustainability, University College Dublin and Chair, National Biodiversity Forum
- Ainhoa Gonzalez Del Campo, Associate Professor in the School of Geography, University College Dublin
- Danielle Conaghan, Head, Environment and Planning Group, Arthur Cox
- Anthony Coleman, Director of Services, Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO)
- Geoff Dooley, Head of Sustainability Services, Antaris Consulting
- Brian Carroll, Assistant Secretary, Environment, Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
- Gavin Smith, Scientific Officer in Earth Observation and Spatial Analysis, Environmental Protection Agency
- Philip Nugent, Assistant Secretary, Circular Economy, Natural Resources and Waste Policy, Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
- Oisín Coghlan, Director, Friends of the Earth
- Henk van der Kamp, Planning Consultant
- Claire Downey, Policy and Research Director, The Rediscovery Centre
- J Owen Lewis, Co-Chair, IIEA Working Group on Climate
- Kevin O’Sullivan, Environment and Science Editor, The Irish Times
More information can be found online at: www.environmentireland.ie/programme/
Exhibition opportunities: Limited availability!
There are only a small number of opportunities remaining to get involved with Environment Ireland® as an exhibitor. As well as being a significant event in a business and policy sense, Environment Ireland® has developed a strong networking dimension.
It has become an event where key players expect to meet every year and enjoy the networking opportunity it provides. The Environment Ireland exhibition area is limited and sells out every year.
An important platform for your organisation to interact with a senior audience of 300+ attendees from across the Irish environment sector. Contact Sam Tobin on +353 (0)1 661 3755 or email sam.tobin@environmentireland.ie for further information on how to feature your organisation at the conference.
How to register:
Online: www.environmentireland.ie
Email: registration@environmentireland.ie
Tel: +353 (0)1 661 3755